St. Cloud Math and Science Academy

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…

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June 10, 2019 – St. Cloud Math and Science Academy

  • We had a string of 90-degree days last week, the first in a long, long time; felt good — especially out on the hikes.
    • Six miles hiking with no stoppages this past Saturday morning; felt real good.
      • Appears to be a bit cooler heading into this week of June 10th.
        • Compare the hike at 90-degrees and at 59-degrees (Sunday)…
  • One of those rare, pleasant, and cool evenings to have sat by the campfire last night.
    • Forty-nine degrees this morning.
  • There is no such thing as a perfect relationship.  Whatever you might observe, there are things you’re not seeing or hearing if you perceive a relationship to be perfect.  Healthy, motivated people work to strengthen and sustain what they know is imperfect; they don’t focus on the difficulties, but rather on the benefits that accrue to those who value and desire an acquaintanceship, a friendship, or something more.
  • I’m excited to be working with the St. Cloud Math and Science Academy as a member of its Board.
    • I have lots and lots to learn, but I’m eager.
      • The student enrollment at the school is 97% Somali, not by design, just happenstance.
        • The school is five-years-old headed into its sixth year with a good vision and mission — and a great staff.
  • This just in from The Wall Street Journal:  “The U.S. student loan system is broken.”  (They only just now learned about it?!)
    • “How broken?  The numbers tell the story.  Borrowers currently owe more than $1,500,000,000,000 ($1.5 trillion!) in student loans.”
      • “Default rate at the moment:  1,400 people per day.”
        • “Since 1978 inflation has impacted average college tuition by more than 1,350% — compared to ~750% for health care and ~350% overall.”
  • Among my favourite stories is the account of the miracle at Bethesda.  But, I think people have often focused on the wrong miracle.  As John tells it, a man had been waiting by the pool for many years in order to be the first to plunge into it when the waters moved, presumably the result of a spring bubbling up — or something more mysterious.  Because the man was paralyzed he wasn’t able to move quickly enough to be first when the water moved.  Along comes Jesus and asks the man, “Do you want to be cured?”  Such a dumb question when you think about it, but therein lies the kernel of the real miracle.  The man’s attitude changed.  “Yes!” he said.  Well, then get up take your mat and go home (and, presumably be useful, get a job, make something of yourself).
    • Prior to the miracle of a changed attitude the man’s outlook on life was whining, complaining, blaming, lamentation and resignation — for many years.  Do you want to walk?  Well then, get up and walk!
  • Success will result in a very long line of those willing to take credit; the queue for shared failure will be quite short.
  • “There is no question that providing direction (vision) is a fundamental responsibility of leadership.”  (DePree)

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