leadership coaching

Armistice Day #101

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…

The weekly Newsletter of Without A Vision Consultancy LLC

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November 11, 2019 – Relationships

Good morning!

The eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month 101 years ago… the war to end all awful wars. It’s Armistice Day — or, more commonly known nowadays as Veterans’ Day. I can claim nothing in this department beyond recognizing and appreciating a brother wounded in Viet Nam, a Dad who served fresh out of high school on board the USS Boxer aircraft carrier in the Pacific during World War II, a great-great grandfather wounded at the Battle of Shiloh, a great uncle (Major General Joseph Preston w/ Silver Star, Distinguished Flying Cross w/ two oak leaf clusters, Etc.) with 6,000 hours of B17, B24, B29, and B52 combat and training experience — and numerous other relatives in service of the United States going back to and including the thirteen colonies vs. George’s Great Britain in the 1770s. Thank you — to them and to you!

  • We made the requisite annual pilgrimage to Duluth late last week to enjoy a few of the autumn breezes off the lake.
    • This post-industrial era city, like thousands of others across the globe, has been working to reinvent itself the last half century.
    • Tens of thousands of workers, abundant natural resources (some nonrenewable), civic-minded leaders, and energetic entrepreneurs combined to build a city worthy of emulation; can it happen again with greater sustainability?

  • Worth a road trip?  The watercolor artist, Mary Whyte, is exhibiting a seven-year labour of love and respect featuring fifty original paintings — one for each State (what, no District or Puerto Rico?) — of a military veteran she randomly personally met and researched, one from each of the fifty States.  The exhibition is fittingly titled, “We, the People.”

  • Will you please send your critique of Harriet (Tubman)?  We’ll send ours to you in a week or two; curious to learn your thoughts.
  • What do you make of this?
    • Four year colleges and universities are failing and closing their doors at the rate of about eleven per year — soon projected to be fifteen per year (Marcus).
    • And what do you then make of Elon University’s massive (expensive) national advertising campaign?
    • Until recently it was a relatively unknown college in Northern North Carolina.
    • Losing membership — or customers — or clients?  Without a Vision Consultancy can help.

  • Columbus, Ohio is reportedly the fastest-growing city in the Midwest, though we might suggest it really no longer passes the test of being Midwestern.

  • Do you recognize this snippet from The New Colossus poem by Emma Lazarus?  Is it still relevant today?
    • “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddle masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore.  Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me.  I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

  • “Think how hard physics would be if particles could think.”  (Gell-Mann, Nobel Laureate)

  • Research based:  When you put equal emphasis on both organizational performance and organizational health you improve the likelihood of success by an average of more than forty percent (40%) — from 30% to 70% — compared to disproportionately putting focus on just one or the other.  (Keller, Schaninger, 2019)


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