leadership coaching

Just Five (5) More Days ’til Winter…

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…

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December 15, 2019 – Just Five (5) More Days ’til Winter…

Good morning!

Three different snowfalls, below-zero temperatures, and icy north winds made for several shoveling opportunities and treacherous hikes last week.The whole moon 🌝 rising was winter spectacular… and how about that comet and meteors?!

Our daughter drives for UPS and got stuck three times on her rural route, once rather deep… good practice for her for when real tragedies occur.Kudos to you if you keep your pedestrian surfaces free of snow and ice — and a big booger to those who don’t.

When and how did the penguin ascend to prominence, popularity, and parity among the Christmas menagerie?  It’s not even from the North Pole…

  • Has there been a more poignant, a more sincere acceptance of The Heisman Trophy?  Even if you have zero interest in football you should dial-up this speech; here’s a snippet:
    • “Coming from Southeast Ohio it’s a very impoverished area and the poverty rate is almost two times the national average.  There’s so many people there that don’t have a lot and I’m up here for all those kids in Athens and Athens County that go home to not a lot of food on the table, hungry after school.  You guys can be up here, too.”
  • There’s a reason the average person considers most meetings a waste of time.
  • The fiery young heroine of Sweden, Greta Thunberg, has been named TIME Person-of-the-Year.
  • Prior to last Thursday night we hadn’t considered the Grandchildren’s Christmas Program — our first — to be among the formal Rites of Passage.
  • Amazing agricultural success is being achieved deep underground in London — in former bomb shelters.
    • These experiments with artificial light and horticulture sans-soil might help to address the growing need for fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • If your statement of purpose; i.e., mission, does not align with the reality of your organization — and with its realistic aspirations — it might do more harm than good as it will invite cynicism and skepticism both internally and externally.  (Unknown attribution)
  • Back to our pre-Feast of Thanksgiving primer on change:
    • Since change is an essential component of effective leadership and organizational health, we don’t want to rush through the subject with some pie-in-the-sky formula.
    • Change:  Why is it important, even essential?  Try standing motionless for a long time on one foot facing a strong North wind and you’ll have part of the answer.
    • There also tends to be a perception that change is easy or a simple matter of following a recipe; the truth is it’s hard, complicated, frustrating, difficult, usually unsuccessful.
    • More than 70% of attempted changes fail — largely due to the lack of a shared vision — and a PLAN put into action for the transformation of that vision into sustained reality.
      • This morning and next week we will finish introducing the five stages of change — as suggested by two of the world’s leading authorities on this subject, Scott Keller and Bill Schaninger.  (Beyond Performance 2.0, 2019.)
      • Remember stage one, two, and three?  (Aspire – Assess – Architect) — they’re all a’s, get it?
      • #4:  Act — How do we manage the (arduous) journey?  (Think icy roads, low visibility, and running out of gas.)
      • Establish strong governance — scale-up your portfolio initiatives — monitor progress and dynamically ADJUST as you go along…
      • Mobilize influence leaders — make the change PERSONAL for a critical mass of leaders — establish and sustain HIGH IMPACT COMMUNICATION…
        • This one is often botched by thinking communication is ONE-way and of course, it’s not, it’s multi-way and occurs in various modes…  (Helping you with this is a specialty of Without a Vision.)
  • “There are no traffic jams on the extra mile.”  (Roger Staubach)

When will you give yourself the greatest gift of all, the gift of time?

  1. It has now been named as the #1 perquisite or compensation category in the work environment; go figure.

Schedule a no-obligation, no-cost initial exploratory visit with Without a Vision Consultancy today.

Everyone loves taking little quizzes; here’s one for you right now:  could you benefit from leadership coaching?


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