leadership coaching

Who Do You Admire Most

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…

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January 6, 2019 – Who Do You Admire Most

Good morning!

The answer is, “Yes!”, we can beat a team from Alabama.Dare we suggest it’s time to adjust our attitudes?Trending on the twitters:  “Before marriage, I would sit at stop lights for hours because I had no one to tell me the light had changed to green.”The most abundant animal on planet earth, by weight, is the chicken. (Zuidhof)The efforts of that persistent cow aimed at getting us to Eat Mor Chikin must be paying off.

  • Whom do you admire most?
    • This might help to explain the current situation:  Barack Obama and Donald Trump tied — according to a recent Gallup poll.
    • Make-up your own developing story about this.
    • Perhaps it’s no different than Duke vs. North Carolina — or Holzhauer vs. Jennings — but somehow we think the consequences are greater.
    • But still, if you go back 300 years in this country — 400 even — the divide has always been there (here) — at least once leading to an all-out Civil War.
    • Would we be better off — or worse off — if we were more united than divided?  Or, are we still united on the really important stuff?
  • I’ve never been one to swoon over the song, Auld Lang Synebut try listening to this André Rieu rendition with bagpipes and timpani… goose bumps!
    • (Click to skip the opening adv, or just be patient — and turn up the volume.  If this link doesn’t work, Google it; worth it.)
  • The Amazon rain forest has lost the equivalent of 8.4 million soccer fields (10.3 million football fields) over the past decade due to deforestation.  (Royal Statistical Society)
    • That’s 24,000 square miles = equivalent to the combined area of Connecticut, Hawaii, Massachusetts, and New Jersey (all 100% scorched earth).
    • Is it possible to wrap your brain around a number like this?  I try and can’t…
    • Try this:  One hundred slices of each square mile would give you a roadway or pathway 52.8 feet wide — wider than most city streets…
    • On either side of the roadway would be a dense green forest or healthy vegetation of some kind…
    • You start your hike — or drive if you prefer — and you will make one hundred (100) trips around the world — and on your hike or drive back imagine 100% of that lush vegetation on each side of the road consumed by ravaging fire (have you ever hiked through or driven through a recent forest fire?).
    • Or, if you prefer, it’s ten trips to the moon — or five trips to the moon and back.  (I still can’t bring it down to my level.)
      • Not to mention, how about the carnage in Australia?!
  • Google spent two years studying 180 teams looking for behaviours that magnified the collective intelligence of the group — and here they are:
  1. Dependability (can I count on you; i.e., trust — my edit)
  2. Structure and clarity (vision transformed into action and sustained — my edit)
  3. Meaning (intrinsic, presumably — my edit)
  4. Impact
  5. Psychological safety (in other words, trust — my edit)

Schedule a no-obligation, no-cost initial exploratory visit with Without a Vision Consultancy today.

Everyone loves taking little quizzes; here’s one for you right now:  could you benefit from leadership coaching?


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