leadership coaching

Martin King

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…

The weekly Newsletter of Without A Vision Consultancy LLC

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January 20, 2019 – Martin King

Good morning!

Beautiful waning crescent moon in the morning sky. Lots of free exercise by shoveling this past weekend as >5″ of new snow was dumped on us — then stiff winds causing drifts — then below-zero temperatures. If you’re reading this and you’re in the Northern Hemisphere, it means you’ve survived the sixty (60) darkest days of the year — no metaphor intended. Or, if you prefer darkness I suppose you could say you’ve thrived considerably these last sixty days… now we prepare for more light.

  • Recognition today for the transformational work of Martin King, but there is SO much more progress needed, know it’s so, know it’s so.
  • It’s a rare CEO who doesn’t understand the importance of recruiting and retaining the best people…
    • … and yet, it’s perhaps a rarer CEO who protects and enhances her/ his most precious asset by creating and sustaining a healthy, happy work environment.
    • “… the trick is to have workers think about all the great things they’ll miss if they leave.” (WSJ, 2020)  (And then to actually feature those things in the work environment.)
  • There is currently about $1.6 trillion ($1,600,000,000,000) and growing in student loan debt with about 20% of that in default.
    • Anyone see a problem here?
  • In was 1986, thirty-four years ago.  We decided it was time to take the classic Black Hills-to-Yellowstone family trip in an old station wagon.  We had three small children, the youngest just six months old, and we were newly pregnant with our fourth.  It was the perfect time for a grueling road trip.  We were a young family and somewhere the rule book said you had to go to Yellowstone at about this point in time.  At the end of a very long first day we arrived at the edge of the black Hills by way of the Corn Palace, Wall Drug, and The Badlands.  Baloney sandwiches having satisfied our hunger, we collapsed for the night in some cheap motel just outside Spearfish.  The kids had cried, screamed, hollered, and punched each other most of the first 550 miles.  To settle them down before bed we decided to take them on a twilight station wagon ride through picturesque Spearfish Canyon.  We eagerly anticipated the serenity of the sunset as it would cast its shadows in interesting ways against the canyon walls.  Big mistake.  More crying.  Not fun.  To bed, get some sleep; maybe they’ll sleep through the night.  We will turn back toward home in the morning.  This was really a dumb idea.  Taking a family vacation to Yellowstone with three children age four and younger just wasn’t as smart an idea as originally thought… (to be continued next week).
  • Should it concern us that between 66% (pork production) and 86% (corn for cattle feed) of agriculture is non-family/ non-traditional farms? (USDA 2018)

What do you get when you work with Without a Vision Consultancy LLC?

  • Confidence
  • Clarity
  • Coaching… even Serena Williams, Tom Brady, and Linsey Vonn need it; why do most eschew it?
  • Companionship on your journey… sometimes it gets lonely and it’s good to have a friend.

Don’t drag yourself down with emotional baggage; you can’t make much progress with anchors chained to your ankles.  
When will you give yourself the greatest gift of all, the gift of time?Schedule a no-obligation, no-cost initial exploratory visit with Without a Vision Consultancy today.

Schedule a no-obligation, no-cost initial exploratory visit with Without a Vision Consultancy today.

Everyone loves taking little quizzes; here’s one for you right now:  could you benefit from leadership coaching?


Looking for help on your next capital campaign, leadership training, or any number of other services? Contact us today!

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