leadership coaching

This is it for January, Sorry…

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…

The weekly Newsletter of Without A Vision Consultancy LLC

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January 27, 2020 – This is it for January, Sorry…

Good morning!

Happy (Chinese) New Year, which started a day or two ago and runs for 15 days; it is the Year of the Rat. Please… don’t let it also be the Year of the Coronavirus!  Let’s get this figured out.

  • This just in, The Wall Street Journal economic outlook for 2020; a few highlights:
    • Between the two super powers, China’s growth, though slowing to 6%, will be two or three times that of the United States (2%), but the U.S. economy (GDP) will remain the behemoth
    • South Africa, Argentina, Iran, and Turkey will get hit hardest by inflation and unemployment
    • Of the second-tier economies; e.g., Japan, Germany, UK, Etc., et al., India will have the greatest growth, somewhere around six percent (6%).
    • The wealthiest economies (per person GDP) will remain Qatar ($140,000), Luxembourg, Singapore, Ireland (who knew; I thought we were poor?!)
    • And, if you’ve read this far, check out the rest of the endless data on your own; fascinating.

  • “Most (95%) CEOs expect a significant shift in the next few years toward a broader measure of company success.”  (WSJ, 2020)
    • “It’s like you’re trying to play a game and there are not constant rules.”  (Odland, 2020)
  • “Forgiveness is not an occasional act; it is an attitude.” (Martin King)
  • (…continued from last week)
    • …This was really a dumb idea.  Taking a family vacation to Yellowstone with three children four years of age and younger just wasn’t as smart of an idea as originally thought.  The drive back home would give us some hope, some optimism, a new goal:  Just make it back home.  To bed for now, get some sleep.  Early the next morning we loaded the old station wagon and headed for the on-ramp down a short pot holed street from the motel.  A left turn would take us East on Road #90 back toward Wall Drug, Sioux Falls, Pipestone, and then Northeast up Road #23 to St. Cloud.  Without much thought or warning, the car turned right, for no particular reason.  For a brief moment the kids were quiet, the sun was shining, my wife and I looked at each other, and we turned right, West, toward Yellowstone… toward adventure, toward risk, toward opportunity, toward commitment, toward persistence — and patience, toward knowing none of this was going to be easy, but it was too early in the game to give up.

  • “You can accomplish anything as long as you don’t need to get the credit for it.”  (Lindy Boggs)

  • Twenty-four percent (24%) of the over-age-65 population in the United States is in poverty.  (The Economist)
  • “To heal our deep social divisions, urban professionals must start sharing political, cultural, and economic power with the working class.”  (Lind, 2020)
    • Book:  The New Class War:  Saving Democracy from the Managerial Elite (Lind, 2020)

  • We listen, we learn, and then we customize our response to deliver:
    1. Confidence
    2. Clarity
    3. Coaching… even Serena Williams, Tom Brady, and Linsey Vonn need it; why do most eschew it?
    4. Companionship on your journey… sometimes it gets lonely and it’s good to have a friend.

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Everyone loves taking little quizzes; here’s one for you right now:  could you benefit from leadership coaching?


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