Think You're a Leader

So, You Think You’re a Leader

Musings on a Monday Morning from Mike Mullin…
The weekly Newsletter of Without A Vision Consultancy LLC

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June 15, 2020

Good morning!

Here we are at the Ides of June, still playing out of tune. According to The Economist, Twitter responses to the George Floyd murder have originated from more than 140 countries, including places like China and Iraq. From Bill George:

“For once there is no political split in how (United States citizens) feel about the nationwide protest following George Floyd’s killing. Eighty-four percent (84%) support the protests; Twelve percent (12%) thought protests went too far.”

(Presumably four percent — 4% — were neutral or indifferent, or perhaps sleeping or otherwise incoherent — [my edit].)

“My belief is that we are in the midst of real change here, and my hope is that this shift will be brought on by leadership that’s courageous, aware, and open-minded.” (George) “Listen deeply, unite widely, act boldly.” (Forbes; Rock, Smith)

  • So, you’re a leader, or an aspiring leader, please answer the following:
    • Why do you want me to follow you?
    • Where are we going?
    • When?
    • Why?
    • How fast — or slow — will we go?
    • How will we know when we get there?
    • What are the dangers along the way?
    • Have you been there before or is this your first time?
    • What exactly do you want or need from me?
    • Who else is coming with us?
    • Will I get to participate in any decisions along the way?
    • What happens if you (we) fail?
    • Why did you choose me and not someone else?
    • What happens after we get to where you want to go?

  • Clients often ask, “How do I develop a vision?”

  • Visioning (Envisioning, if you prefer) is like young love, there are no limits, euphoria rules the day, lovers experience synergy with each other.

  • Don’t worry, marriage and lifelong commitment come later… just enjoy the visioning stage for now; frolic, be giddy.
    • Visioning is not easy, it takes time — and maybe (probably) a coach;
    • Be patient, be persistent;
    • Reflect.  No vision is possible without reflection.
    • Focus.
    • Be uninhibited;
    • Begin with key words or phrases, don’t worry about a finished product;
    • A vision is an aspiration, a dream-like goal with realistic possibilities;
    • Tinker with it often, go through draft after draft, keep it short and focused;
    • Consider powerful verbs, vibrant adjectives, vivid nouns;
    • Some find it helpful to sketch, doodle, or draw;
    • Look at Vision Statements you think are excellent and replicate;
    • Invite lots and lots of people to help you with it – especially those you trust and admire;
    • Make it yours first — and then reach out to make it a shared vision;
    • You’ll know you are close when it gives you goose bumps or an emotional shiver;
    • You’ll know it’s perfect when it produces a visceral reaction and vertical head nods in others.

  • “What if 2020 isn’t cancelled?
    • What if 2020 is the year we’ve been waiting for?
    • A year so uncomfortable, so painful, so scary, so raw —
    • that it finally forces us to grow.
    • A year that screams so loud, finally awakening us
    • from our ignorant slumber.
    • A year we finally accept the need for change.
    • declare change.  Work for change.  Become the change.
    • A year we finally band together, instead of
    • pushing each other further apart.
    • 2020 isn’t cancelled, but rather
    • the most important year of them all.”  — by Leslie Dwight

Thank the Cow

By Michael A. Mullin

Do you wonder why

God made butter?

Perhaps it was the

cow and not God at all.

Or was it the milk maiden

at her churn?

God?  Cow?  Maiden?

Thank them one and all.

©2017 Michael A. Mullin

  • What do you get when you work with Without a Vision Consultancy LLC?
    • We listen, we learn, we listen some more — and then we customize our response to deliver:
    1. Confidence
    2. Clarity
    3. Coaching
    4. Companionship on your journey… sometimes it gets lonely and it’s good to have a friend.

When you tell others about us — and I hope you will — please emphasize the ways in which we are unique.

I work with individuals, governance structures (Boards), non-profits, and businesses wanting to be bigger, better, stronger, healthier, happier… yes, all five are possible and best done in concert, but it typically requires a coach (consultant) or a companion to help illuminate the path.

At Without a Vision Consultancy LLC we LISTEN, we LEARN, we LISTEN some more, and only then do we suggest strategic directions unique to your situation.  We do not bring a one-size-fits-all template, nor the latest flash-in-the-pan solutions, to working with you.

As we work with you we deliver and provide an increase in your CONFIDENCE, and CLARITY while providing coaching and companionship for your journey. We bring more than fifty years of experience from all sides of the Board table in thirteen different leadership roles — 26 of those years as a CEO.

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Is there a specific issue you're trying to solve? Contact Without a Vision. We can tackle it together!

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