Impact of COVID-19 on E-12 Education

The Impact of COVID-19 on E-12 Education | Consulting Services

March 15, 2021

Good morning! Is there a better feeling than the one associated with getting started with spring cleaning early on a sunny Saturday morning?! To be honest, it should be more accurately titled decade cleaning when applied to the areas of the house assigned to me. But, it’s still exhilarating, if just for awhile. We were a bit concerned February’s heating bills would leave us in the poor house, but looks like we’ll be OK. Looks like we have ten full days of perfect tree sap weather in front of us — freezing at night, sunny & warm during the day.

  • Someone told me the other day I was worth my weight in gold.
    • Not knowing the price of gold at the moment I wondered whether that was a compliment or a pejorative.
    • So, I did the math.
    • Turns out I’m worth — in this person’s opinion — about $5,100,000 if I cash out today.  Not bad.  Might be a new high water mark for my worth.

The Impact of COVID-19 on E-12 Education

  • The impact of the COVIDs on E-12 education will be assessed and researched from A – Z for the next several years.
    • No doubt the opinions and the research findings will range from A – Z if not a broader range.
    • One study out last week asked teachers about the relative effectiveness of teaching and learning over the last year.
    • Teachers in Australia, for example, graded effectiveness there at 6.6 (out of 10) while teachers in the United States graded effectiveness 3.5 (out of 10).
    • In the opinion of teachers there appears to be a direct correlation to learning loss when compared to time away from the traditional classroom.
    • Among countries researched, the United States has the most time away from the traditional classroom — and the greatest learning loss.
    • By comparison, Japan and China have the least amount of time absent from the traditional classroom and the least learning loss — according to teachers there.
    • As might be expected, another positive correlation is access to technology — and to wealth.  More of each, less learning loss.
    • One of my faithful readers is among the world’s premiere researchers on this topic; Patrick, may we hear from you?

Does Your Calendar Rule You?

  • Does your calendar (schedule) rule you or do you rule your schedule.
    • There are lots and lots of easy, convenient excuses, all of them valid, but do you really WANT to set your own priorities?
    • What adjustments do you need to make, little ones, to have time for your physical well-being?
    • What adjustments do you need to make, little ones, to have time for your emotional well-being?
    • What adjustments do you need to make, little ones, to have time for your intellectual well-being? 
    • What adjustments do you need to make, little ones, to have time for your spiritual well-being? 
    • What adjustments do you need to make, little ones, to strengthen and sustain the relationships in your life?
    • What adjustments do you need to make, little ones, to have time for your re-creational well-being?
      • What adjustments WILL you make to be more effective, more productive, healthier, happier?

  • How are you feeling?  No, no, how are you feeling?
    • This poem/ song has been among my favourites for more than fifty years.
    • The melody reaches viscerally deep into my soul.
    • Why was it not until just this past week I took the time to slowly read through the lyrics?
    • And why did the lyrics grip me in a way unexpected and as never before?

When you’re weary

Feeling small

When tears are in your eyes

I’ll dry them allI’m on your side

Oh, when times get rough

And friends just can’t be found

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down

When you’re down and out

When you’re on the street

When evening falls so hard

I will comfort youI’ll take your part

Oh, when darkness comes

And pain is all around

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down

Like a bridge over troubled water

I will lay me down… (Simon)

  • Do you love history?  Especially when it’s primary source material?
    • Get a peek — nay, a lengthy stay — at the Johnson White House.
    • Book:  Lady Bird Johnson (Sweig)  You won’t want to put it down.
  • “Don’t be busy; be productive.”  (

“Popcorn is prepared in the same pot, in the same heat, in the same oil, and yet…the kernels do not all pop at the same time.Don’t compare yourself to others; your turn to POP will come.”  (Morie)

  • “I’ve lost almost 300 games.  Twenty-six times I’ve been trusted to take the game-winning shot and missed.
    • …I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life.
    • …And that is why I succeed.”  (Jordan)
  • Without A Vision Consultancy’s uniqueness in the marketplace is the way in which we actively listen.
    • We are not trying to sell you anything, we do not have a template or a book we’re promoting; there is no panacea.
    • We listen, we seek to understand, we listen some more — and then we help you to create YOUR vision and YOUR plan — one that won’t sit on the shelf.
      • You might not be the right client if you don’t care enough to pause, consider the big picture, have patience, and trust a process.
    • Once you have a vision all it takes is patience and persistence along parallel paths to achieve success.
      • Without a vision the people perish — metaphorically and for real.
      • “Culture eats strategy for breakfast every single time.”  (Wisdom from Dave — so true)
    • If you or your organization is interested in becoming bigger, better, stronger, healthier, happier… engage our services.

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Is there a specific issue you're trying to solve? Contact Without a Vision. We can tackle it together!