What are the most expensive undergraduate colleges in the United States? Here are the top five, based on the full price tag.

What are the most expensive undergraduate colleges in the United States?

April 26, 2021

Good morning! We did it!  We are back to the same amount of morning light we lost six weeks ago when time was adjusted. My daughter completed her first-ever woodworking project, a bird house, a gift for me and I’m thrilled (photo below).


“Now and then it’s good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.”  (Apollinaire, 1918/ also, Jordan, 2021)

Book:  Sensational, Todd 2021

“A person who feels appreciated will always do more than what is expected.”  (Attribution unknown)

“Fires cannot be lit from dead embers…”  (Baldwin)

  • What’s the best movie of all time from among the Best Picture winners of the last 93 years?
    • Amadeus remains among my favourites = #40 on the Rotten Tomatoes.
    • Rotten Tomatoes says these are the top five:
      • #5 = All About Eve (1950)
      • #4 = The Godfather (1972)
      • #3 = Casablanca (1943)
      • #2 = Parasite (2019)
      • #1 = It Happened One Night (1934) — never seen it
  • US of A Today Newspaper moves Amadeus to #6 and lists these as top five:
    • #5 = All About Eve (1950)  — never seen it
    • #4 = On the Waterfront (1954)
    • #3 = Schindler’s List (1993)  — Really?!  That long ago?!  Would’ve guessed 10 or 15 years ago, not 28!
    • #2 = Casablanca (1943)
    • #1 = The Godfather (1972)
      • Whatever happened to Citizen Kane?  We were always told it was the best of the best of the best?
      • Oooops, just looked it up, it was nominated in 1941 along with nine others, including The Maltese Falcon, but lost out to How Green Is My Valley
        • a snub say the critics — so it can’t be on these lists because it never won.

What are the most expensive undergraduate colleges in the United States?

  • What are the most expensive undergraduate colleges in the United States at the moment — according to advertised sticker prices?
    • Does anyone pay the full sticker price?
    • Not to be confused, by the way, with best value — which is a whole different kettle of fish — nor do these data address best fit, specific programs, Etc.
    • Amazing how you can find different answers as you research different sources, but there are a cluster of data appearing to lend credibility to the following:
      • University of Chicago = #1 most expensive = $77,556
      • Columbia University = #2 most expensive = $76,920
      • Barnard College = #3 most expensive = $75,524
      • Duke = #4 most expensive = $75,031
      • Scripps College = #5 most expensive = $74,788

There are four African American CEOs among the 500 Fortune 500 companies.

5 Ways to Bring Racial Equity to Private Businesses

  • There are four African American CEOs among the 500 Fortune 500 companies.   (Hancock, Manyika, Williams, Yee – 2021)
    • Should we care about this?  The representative number would be about sixty (60) if it were proportional to the U.S. population.
    • “… African American workers describe a significant trust deficit at work.”  (Hancock, Ibid.)
    • “On the current trajectory it will take about 95 years for African American employees to reach talent parity across all levels in the private sector.  Addressing the major barriers that hold back the advancement of African American employees could cut that duration to about 25 years.”  (Hancock, Ibid.)
      • Organizations that prioritize and redouble efforts along these five lines can and will make a significant impact:
        1. Define your aspirations for diversity — and communicate them;
        2. Understand your current situation and don’t be delusional about it;
        3. Strategically prioritize interventions;
        4. Reinforce what works — and reimagine or re-tool what doesn’t;
        5. Write it down = track progress to increase accountability.
      • Pretty simple, really = the things we measure, care about, and prioritize get done.
  • “Progress rolls like a brick.”  (Blackwell)

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