Can your organization survive the biggest challenges? One question can help answer this: how resilient is your organization?

How Resilient is Your Organization?

June 7, 2021

Good morning! The mathematical formula used by epidemiologists to predict a pandemic is fundamentally quite simple, yet complex and filled with assumptions. It’s exponential until it’s not. (Waiting for it to be not is the scary part!) It can’t be exponential forever because the number of people is finite. As soon as the number of transmissions of a disease; e.g., COVIDs, from one person to others drops below one, the infections steadily decrease to near-zero. Measures can be taken, such as vaccines, to change or interrupt the mathematical trajectory. Fascinating. As someone famously said, “It always boils down to the math.”

  • Half of the Fortune 500 CEOs earn more than $13,400,000 per year, half earn less.
    • Is this good or bad, or doesn’t it matter?
  • “Reality often astonishes theory.”  (Magliozzi)
  • Work will always expand to fill the time allotted for it… there is a finite point but we rarely encounter it.
  • I was going to write it for this week, but I’ll save it for next time.
    • Watch for it, wait for it.

How Resilient is Your Organization?

  • In the meantime, please carefully think and reflect on how resilient your organization is.
    • Credit this to Nauck, Pancaldi, Poppensieker, and White, 2021
    • A poignant and easy read for you and your leadership team.
      • Do a complete audit and then take steps to be more and more resilient in each category, bake it into the way you think, lead, and function.
        • Financial resilience
        • Operational resilience
        • Technological resilience
        • Organizational resilience
        • Reputational resilience
        • Business-model resilience
      • You can read more at Resilience
    • Without A Vision Consultancy LLC can help you with your plan — that’s what we do.
      • Engage us.
  • What are you reading?  How about something a bit different, but very good?
    • Chicken Soup for Doctors:  Letter to a Young Female Physician, Koven, 2021.

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