Business leaders should be focused on how they can enable their business to develop strength and resilience before it's needed.

Develop Strength and Resilience Before it’s Needed

July 19, 2021

Good morning! Watching the (British) Open in bright sunshine, no wind, and warm weather was surreal. The young Collin Morikawa, The Champion Golfer of the Year, delivered a better and more poised speech than most. Most impressive was Morikawa’s other-directed words which seemed very genuine and sincere. Perhaps not all civility is gone?

  • The other day my wife told me — for the first time ever — that I don’t stink, and for that she was grateful.
  • Heard on the CBS News:  The (mega) drought now ravaging much of the Western U.S. is the worst in 1,200 years… yes, one thousand two hundred years.
    • How do they know?
    • You learned and did it when you were five… they count the tree rings…
    • We are experiencing the mega drought here in Central Minnesota where even the mature trees of 50+ years are wilting and withering… lilac bushes nearly dead.
  • On the rise again?  Loan originations of all kinds are at an all-time high, with the previous high point in 2016.
  • Is this irony?  The bees and other pollinators are losing natural habitat.  Now bots are being invented, manufactured, and deployed to do the work of bees.
  • Apparently the French are twice as likely as U.S. citizens to allow high tech voyeurism of their devices by third parties — 32% vs. 16%
  • “If a person could have half his (her) wishes, s/he would have double her (his) troubles.”  (a sign in Alyssa’s whimsical garden)
  • “Only about 25% of workers can do their jobs without being on-site…
    • … this is a group that takes a shower before work….
    • We cannot forget that most people take a shower after work, so there is a risk of a growing divide between those two groups.”  (Sneader)
  • “Throughout this crisis; i.e., the COVIDs plague, government has become the lender, payer, and owner of last resort across a whole swath of industries…
    • … And with increased involvement comes increased government scrutiny.”  (Sneader)
  • Sixty-four percent (64%) of men report outside-the-home; i.e., non-parental, childcare is affordable.
    • By contrast, forty-three percent (43%) of women report outside-the-home; i.e., non-parental, childcare is affordable. (Fleming)

Develop Strength and Resilience Before it’s Needed

  • What follows is continued from last week – from Dewar, Hirt, and Keller at McKinsey, 2021
    • “CEOs are accountable for all the work of their organizations.  Their life is endless meetings and a barrage of e-mail.”  (Nohria)
    • The authors also suggest many CEOs are beset by loneliness, frustration, disappointment, irritation, and exhaustion.
    • Excellent CEOs approach the role’s six elements with certain mindsets and adhere to 18 practices when fulfilling their unique responsibilities.
    • Board engagement — Help directors help the business
    • The Board’s job is to oversee and guide management’s efforts to create long-term value
    • External stakeholders — Focus on the long-term why
    • Mission and vision are more than posters for the wall… they guide and inspire daily with the CEO as chief communicator
    • Why is communication so difficult, impossible to ever achieve perfection?
    • Because it is rarely evaluated by the end-receiver and the providers/ senders have too much ego to constantly ask for critiques
    • Develop strength and resilience before it’s needed
    • Personal working norms — Do what only you can do
    • The most successful CEOs quickly establish an office that makes their priorities explicit and helps them spend their scarce time doing work that only CEOs can do.
    • Surround yourself with a few people who know, understand, support, and daily focus on the achievement of goals.

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