Where Have All the Workers Gone? As unemployment rates drop and businesses continue to need help, how do you account for the juxtaposition?

Where Have All the Workers Gone?

October 18, 2021

CBS’s Sunday Morning was preempted by (U.S.) football in London yesterday; what do you make of that? Later this week in Minnesota are four days made holier over time than any other days of the year; enjoy! If you were to guess — or perhaps you know — when did the iconic movie, Fargo*, premiere? What’s the deal with this $1,000,000,000,000 coin? If striking this coin would solve our problems, why don’t we just make a hundred of them and hold them in reserve?  (No pun intended)

Where Have All the Workers Gone?

  • Where have all the workers gone?
    • Or, if you prefer, Where’s the worker(s)?!  Or, Where’s Worker?
    • More than 4.3 million of them to be exact if you use the same math we’ve used in the past.
    • Helpful hint:  Money alone won’t attract these 4.3 million people to your organization.
    • Do you have a plan?
    • Without A Vision Consultancy LLC can help you with one if you don’t have one.
    • Forty percent (40%) of current employees state they are at least somewhat likely to leave their current job in the next three to six months.
    • Of those, one-fourth (10% of ALL employees) state it is highly likely or almost certain.
    • Industries with the highest attrition rates are hospitality followed closely by manufacturing.  (McKinsey)
  • From last week’s fog, please ADD to use your other senses.  If you can’t see, then listen, taste, smell, feel; there are other ways to learn.
  • Lately I’ve (almost) come to terms with gluttonous squirrels hogging 90% of the bird food because with the 10% remaining I get to enjoy Cardinals, Blue Jays, Woodpeckers, Gold Finches, Nuthatches, Chickadees, Crows, Mallards, Brown Thrashers.
    • Birds unseen I’d most like to see:  Any kind of owl, Indigo Bunting.
  • I know I’m not perfect, no need to remind me.
  • I first learned this 41 years ago:  Everything in Maine is uphill.  It’s not, of course, that would defy both logic and physics, but it seems that way each time you set out on the trail.
  • Who/ Where/ When was the first bull — and where was that bull’s China shop?
  • Think about it:  Each of us has but one morning each day.
  • Electric car sales now account for 3.6% of all car sales in the U.S., 160,000 in the second quarter.  (McKinsey)
  • Manufacturing took a broader and deeper hit than services during the 2008 crisis.
    • Throughout this more recent plague, services thus far have taken more than twice the hit of manufacturing on a global scale.  (JP Morgan)
  • Inflation expectations for the medium and long term are oscillating around 2.5%  (FitzGerald)
    • Notwithstanding the 5.9% hit to social security we just heard about… I don’t have access to that formula.

What’s the Difference Between a Mission and a Vision?

  • Clients often ask, “What is the difference between a mission and a vision?  And why do you need one of each?
    • A mission answers the question, Why do you exist?
      • Your answer should contain both logical and emotional appeal, briefly stated.
    • vision is an expression of awe, wonder, inspiration, possibilities, intentions; it draws others in like a black hole vortex or a powerful magnet while inviting them on your journey
    • shared vision is the ultimate motivational, inspirational, and declarative language because your carefully chosen words perfectly articulate your message while inviting others to grab hold and also make it their own.
      • Think of a few of the better ones:  We choose to go to the moon… a day that will live in infamy… So here I am… I have a dream… A house divided against itself cannot stand… with malice toward none… Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall… the answer, my friend, is blowin’ in the wind… I know I have the body of a weak, feeble woman, but I have the heart and stomach of a king… This land is my land… Ain’t I a woman?!… For there is always light, if only we’re brave enough to see it.  If only we’re brave enough to be it. … This is not the end, this is not even the beginning of the end, this is just perhaps the end of the beginning… Get outta Dodge… Good morning!
  • *Fargo premiered twenty-five (25) years ago, 1996!  (I guessed 15 years ago.)

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