November 22, 2021
Good morning! Where were you 58 years ago today? I was in grade #6 at a small rural school just coming back indoors after noon recess, on the second step of the stairway. The world stopped for several days, literally stopped; a friend and I were assigned the job of raising the flag to half mast and retiring it at the end of the day.
- It’s no surprise, but it warms my heart to be reminded.
- Very few things, if any, make me happier than having a few members of my family come together and to be in the background enjoying them enjoying each other.
- Such was the case this past weekend where the gorgeous, daresay perfect, weather on Saturday framed an idyllic, Rockwellian, Hallmark-esque day.
- Thank you!
- Think of a midwestern parallel to the quaint Italian markets currently stacked floor to ceiling with thousands of Panetones.
- Here it is: End caps of canned wilted green beans alongside stacks of creamy, goopy mushroom soup.
- Who has it better?
- What is it about a thirty-degree day feeling sometimes like fifty degrees and sometimes like it’s below zero?!
- It’s thirteen degrees (13 F) right here right now and I’ll soon know as I hike to my first meeting.
- In the 1940s following the war more than seventy-percent (70%) of adult U.S. citizens reported membership in a mosque, synagogue, or church.
- Whoever keeps these data reports that it is now forty-three percent (43%).
- Speaking of logistics, in some cases it has taken years for people to figure out you can go down BOTH sides of a buffet line.
- And you think we’re going to figure out the Port of Los Angeles any time soon?!
- “Oh, why is it that life is for some an exquisite privilege and others must pay for their seats at the play with a ransom of cholera, infections, and nightmares? (Cheever, as quoted by Hassler, 1974.)
- Of what good is wealth? (Woetzel, Etc., et al., 2021)
Growing Disconnect Between Productivity and Worker Compensation
- The market value of the global balance sheet tripled in the first two decades of the 22nd century;
- Real estate makes up two-thirds (67%) of global real assets or net worth;
- Asset values are now nearly fifty percent (50%) higher than the long-run average relative to income;
- Financial assets and liabilities also grew faster than GDP (gross domestic product), vastly exceeding net investment;
- Several scenarios are possible, with an imperative to deploy wealth more productively for critical investment needs.
What do you make of the data illustrated below?
Read more: Wealth
Wishing you and yours a Happy Feast of Thanksgiving!