Shared visions take a lot of time to execute effectively. Learn what questions you should be asking to achieve favorable results.

Shared Visions Take a Lot of Time

March 21, 2022

Good morning! Are you involved in any of the Madnesses? The Final Four might be an occasion to hang out in downtown Minneapolis for part of a day to catch the vibe. Elton John is in town this week! How about those big spiders (diameter = 3″) proliferating on the East Coast? If you are among the readers in that area, please let us know the first time you encounter one.

  • Our society is moving away from astronomical spring (today is it!) and toward what’s called meteorological spring, courtesy in no small part to the proliferation of weather experts wannabes.
    • A disclaimer and an apology:  These thoughts are Northern Hemisphere-centric and also Western Hemisphere-centric.
    • About what would I be musing if I were writing to you from Paraguay or Zambia or New Zealand?
  • Should I amble around Augusta National in two weeks for Wednesday’s practice round?  Trying to decide.
    • Had tickets two years ago, but remember what happened?
  • Think about this:  There is hardly anyone active in the business world today who remembers how to lead from a perspective other than interest rates declining.
    • Taking a broad, general, macro-view, interest rates have been tumbling for 42 years from a high of ~16% to almost zero (~0%) in 2020.
    • Will all 70-year-olds need to come out of retirement?  We need experience, right?  How do you do this?!
  • At Without A Vision Consultancy we promote vision as the epicenter of successful planning and as the best approach to being bigger, better, stronger, healthier, and happier.
    • “Without a vision, the people perish.”  (Habier, Etc., et al.)
    • Most visions — and especially shared visions — take time, lots of time, and most leaders are loath to invest.
    • IF you take the time to do it right — planning with real purpose, that is — you will never regret  it.
  • With gratitude to our faithful reader, Tom, in Vermont (U.S.), these following thoughts passed along from Geades are a propos:
    • “The most underrated and often overlooked leadership skill is vision.”
      • A-ha!
    • “When leaders lack vision it limits results, reduces energy, and creates a culture that struggles to embrace change.”
    • “Vision is the capacity to see beyond what your eyes can see.”
    • “Having a vision for something better than exists today is a secret to effective leadership.”
    • “People need something to believe in and to work towards.”
  • If you’re going to work on vision without the assistance of a consultant, here are a few questions to get you started:
    • What does the future look like?
    • What is happening on the team or in the company?
    • How many people are joining you on the journey?
    • What kinds of people; can you name them?
    • What is the celebration going to look like?
    • How are you going to feel when it happens?
    • How is your team going to react?
    • What is your family going to say?  Friends?
    • How will the world be different?
    • How will the lives of the people you touch in the process be different?  (Eades, 2022)
  • “You can’t outsource vision or passion.”  (Andrew)
  • “What if our best data are flawed?”  (Dilbert/ Adams)

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