Why is it always communication? Technology won't automatically solve your problems, but it's amazing how much communication can do.

Why is it always Communication?

April 11, 2022

Good morning! Coming to you this morning from Chicago, IL (U.S.) Business travel has been rare the last couple of years… feels good to experience a tiny little bit of it. Is there a better sound in the whole world than rain on your roof — or on your tent… if it doesn’t leak?! Hundreds of Robins have been gathering each morning in the front yard. It must be prime juicy worm hunting territory. They will soon pair off to go their separate ways, build nests, raise their young — perhaps two broods — and then where?

  • Here’s a shout out to one of my more faithful readers who gave me a ride home last week in what would have otherwise resulted in being rain-soaked and chilled to the bone.
    • Thank you!
    • To each of you/ all of you, who say or do nice things for me; I treasure your comments and your critiques.
    • And, it wouldn’t hurt at all if you sent a client my way.
  • If you’re thinking you might be ready to participate in a process to become bigger, better, stronger, healthier, and happier…
    • Realize it takes dedication and persistence, surely, but most of all, time.
    • Giving ourselves the gift of time is counterintuitive — and counter cultural.
    • Success is more likely if you embrace the growth and improvement process as a gentle rain — as opposed to a deluge or a downpour.
  • Given a 4,000 GSF golf green:
    • Assume a golf ball at rest displaces 1/4 of a square inch; i.e., ~.25 GSI
    • Or, 1/576 of a square foot.
    • There are probably more precise data, haven’t checked, just thinking about this for fun.
    • Therefore, each square foot of the green would offer ~576 different possible locations for the golf ball to be at rest, correct?
    • Then, if those assumptions are reasonable, a golfer would be putting her/ his ball from a possibility of 2,304,000 different locations on this hypothetically small green.
    • So, then what are the odds of ever getting exactly the same putt more than once — even if you played daily?
    • This doesn’t factor in other variables, just the geographical location of the ball at rest.
    • Just checked… 4,000 GSF would be a relatively small green… closer to ~5,500 average.
    • Hmmm… and, the reason they’re not bigger?  Too costly to maintain, doesn’t have anything to do, apparently, with making the game more or less difficult.
  • True or False?  There are an infinite number of musical notes and combinations thereof.
  • Rachel Carson died at the young age of just 57.
  • Perfect communication is impossible, but you still gotta keep trying, you still gotta keep trying.
    • And, an organization in crisis — or undergoing any kind of change — requires more communication, not less.
  • In a short book written more than fifteen centuries ago, the author Benedict decries and abhors the practice of murmuring,
    • that is to say, gossiping or grumbling as we might think of it today, usually secretly or conspiratorially.
    • We should pay attention to Benedict’s wisdom.
    • And, we should strive to keep murmuring at a minimum by communicating constantly.
    • Here’s an idea:  Let the receivers of information evaluate the quality.
  • “If you think technology is going to solve your problems, you don’t understand technology — and you don’t understand your problems.”  (Anderson)

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