Leading effective change is not as simple as showing up. Be sure to follow the steps of these effective leaders to be successful.

Leading Effective Change

April 18, 2022

Good morning! For the first time in more than 2 1/2 years we achieved a family quorum yesterday, with twenty-one (21) gathered around the table. We had eight (8) of our fifteen (15) grandchildren, seven of our eleven children, and four spouses or SOs. Nice!

  • Easter and Passover were almost as late in the year as they can ever be — and we’re in the middle of Ramadan — and yet we enjoyed some of the colder weather of all time for mid-April.
  • As I write to you, the ground is white and it’s snowing!
  • There is so much I’d love to tell you about my experience in Chicago last week, but I’ll wait until I see you in-person.
    • Among the highlights was a conversation with a gentleman who had come to the meeting from Ukraine — and was going back.
    • It was SO good and SO enjoyable to have finally been out on the road.
  • Here’s one for all the theologians:
    • For purposes of fasting or abstinence, are the faux meat, plant-based products; e.g., Impossible Burger, Beyond Meat, Etc., meat or are they plants/ vegetables?
  • Baby steps/ Small steps… think of a ladder if you were to skip every other rung — or maybe even two rungs at a time; treacherous.
    • Most of us, especially in U.S. society, expect to go further, farther, and faster than is healthy or reasonable.
    • When climbing (growing), smaller steps are safer, they’re easier, they make it possible to look around and be more certain of the next step(s).
  • There’s no such thing as a final copy… (Unknown)
  • If your people aren’t about people they’re probably the wrong people.  (YT)
  • From Massachusetts Institute of Technology Sloan School, Three Imperatives for Leading Effective Change:
    • Drawing the map
      • Glasgow observed that great leaders recognize an issue before it becomes an emergency…
      • They consistently map the changing dynamics of the organization’s environment and create a clear, prioritized vision for where it should be headed.
    • Establishing the mindset
      • Ensure the executive team has more than just a cognitive understanding of the map.
      • The leader’s mindset drives a shared conviction about the necessity of change and an enthusiasm for the improvements…
      • …essential because achieving change is harder than maintaining the status quo.
    • Communicating the message
      • The message is the key tool for activating the change among the broader population of employees.
      • (And, always remember, perfect communication is impossible — YT)
      • Oh, and one other thing, these three functions cannot be delegated… leadership must come from the leader.

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