Technology and Climate Change: what do these have in common? One is being used to solve the other, but which technology is the best?

Technology and Climate Change

May 9, 2022

Good morning!

Happy Feast of Saint Mothers’ Day!

Eighty-to-one odds… a big pay day, IF you placed your bet on the right horse.  Did you?  $2 paid $163

Only very recently did I learn there are 14 different races at Churchill Downs on Kentucky Derby Day, one of them more famous than the other thirteen combined.

  • To our good friends in New Mexico:  Be Safe!
    • Many of those gorgeous mountains and freshwater streams experienced the soles of my hiking boots years ago.

Old Technology

  • I’m not a big fan of being burglarized.
    • It has happened to me a dozen or more times.
    • It results in feelings of betrayal, helplessness, vulnerability, anger, disbelief, and a bunch of other stuff.
    • The most recent experience was some of my (U.S. $) cash being burglarized.
    • I enjoy having a few bucks in my pocket for, as they say, walking around town money.
    • I’m not comforted when someone says, “Well, you dummy, don’t keep cash laying around where someone might steal it.”
    • I don’t find those words helpful.
    • Eighteen years ago my beloved and used-daily 35mm Nikon film camera was stolen from my car as I was purchasing petroleum products in Grand Forks, ND.
    • If you are among my younger readers you won’t know what that is, but it was the premier forerunner of the now-ubiquitous electronic telephone cameras.
    • To this day I miss the never-seen/ never-enjoyed photographs that would have been produced from the film that got stolen along with the camera.
      • I hope s/he has framed the best ones and is enjoying them.
    • I’m not comforted when someone says, “Well, you dummy, you should lock your car when purchasing petroleum products!”
  • Just when we thought we knew what we should know about anxiety, we receive a compelling counterpoint.
  • (Important disclaimer:  This next section in no way minimizes the urgent need for addressing mental/ emotional health at all stages of life; we support it.)
    • (Remember Point – Counterpoint?  It was later parodied and spoofed on Saturday Night Live.)
    • Dennis-Tiwary (Future Tense:  Why Anxiety is Good for You…, 2022) 
    • “… (anxiety) isn’t a malfunction or failure of mental health.  It’s a triumph of human evolution, a response that emerged along with one of our greatest attributes:  the ability to think about the uncertain future and prepare for it.”
    • “When we say anxiety is a public health crisis, what we really mean is that the way we cope with anxiety is a public health crisis.”
    • “Treating anxiety like a disease prevents us from distinguishing between ordinary anxiety and anxiety disorders.”
      • Hmmm?  Pick up the book.
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that matters.”  (Churchill)
  • “When (working) with people, remember you are not (working) with creatures of logic, but creatures of emotion.”  (Carnegie)
    • (Carnegie used “dealing” which Without A Vision LLC finds offensive and inappropriate… we don’t deal with people, we work, communicate, and relate with them)

Technology and Climate Change

  • What technology will do the most to address climate change?
    • Here are a few ideas from supposed experts:
      • Ground-source heat pumps (Fitzgerald, 2022)
      • New high efficiency air conditioning units (Winslow/ Lalit, 2022)
      • Significantly more efficient strategic synchronization of solar, wind, storage (battery), transmission, and forecasting… (Nemet, 2022)
      • Solar microgrids (Meier, 2022)
      • Greener maritime shipping; e.g.., electric boats (Irigoyen, 2022)
      • Here’s Without A Vision’sbut we don’t proclaim expertise:  Lots fewer internal combustion engines — and probably fewer cows (which breaks our hearts to say it).
  • Here’s something inspired by Eades… someone different than Without A Vision, but with arguably an identical message:
    • You always have a choice… step into growth or choose safety;
    • Bad growth is rooted in outcomes; good growth is rooted in people and their inputs
    • The words you say to yourself are the most important words you say;
    • The best leaders focus on growing themselves and others — resulting in business being bigger, better, stronger, healthier, happier;
    • Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.

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Is there a specific issue you're trying to solve? Contact Without a Vision. We can tackle it together!