Climate change is driving more and more human migration to cities and urban areas which can sustain larger populations with fewer resources.

Climate Change and Human Migration to Cities

May 23, 2022

Good morning!

We enjoyed a delightful baroque chamber music event Saturday night.

There were fewer than 25 people in a stunning venue large enough to have seated ten times that many.

There are probably thousands of similar customs and traditions on the wane, but it seems such a shame to lose something as wonderful as a cello, a violin, a well-trained voice, and a harpsichord making whimsical and magical sounds together.

What will take its place?

A lute, perhaps?

  • Though it’s been an unusually cold spring, more and more hundts are getting hiked in the neighborhood.
    • There are no known data to support this, but I’m guessing there are five times (+400%) as many hundts getting hiked in May as in January… just guessing.
    • I visited with my favourite friend from Colombia the other morning and she now has TWO hundts to hike, both of them crazy (perros loco), according to her…
      • … and they certainly appear that way to me.
    • Flights of the bumblebee camouflaged as hundts on a leash.
    • Fascinating that each hundt hiker has a different style, a different cadence, a different affect on display.
  • Try this:  When someone wants your phone number, change the formatting of the numbers.
    • For example, instead of XXX-XXX-XXXX, try 32-02-2444-92.
    • My research thus far would seem to indicate fewer than ten percent (<10%) of people can accurately process the different format — even after three attempts.
  • Good or bad; right or wrong, or doesn’t it matter?
    • CEOs are being compensated at record levels as the gap between the highest-paid people in the U.S. and the regular ordinary people widens.
  • Who won the U.S. vs China trade war?
    • According to Davis and Wei, it was almost a tie, but the U.S. lost from a strategic perspective.
    • Between 2018 and today, whenever the U.S. made a move to increase a tariff, the Chinese made a slightly bigger move.
    • Tariff barriers and trade costs moved from ~3% four years ago to >20% today.
    • What’s that old saying about not getting into a contest?
    • The big winners?  Vietnam and Taiwan; they were ready.

Climate Change and Human Migration to Cities

  • We promised you a peek into the presentation provided recently by Beurie.
    • David Beurie is the CEO of Future IQ (don’t know how much he’s paid).
    • He opines on some of the basics, such as food, water, climate, and human populations.
    • Worldwide, 50,000 people per day are migrating from rural to urban areas.
    • In his opinion, the 2020s will be like the 1960s in terms of rapid societal change, turbulence, triumph, challenges.
    • Fresh water is a big one, a huge one, and we’re seeing that now in the desert Southwest of the U.S., and in other parts of the world.
    • His suggested response has less to do with morality and more to do with the practical adjustments related to macro economic opportunities for those interested in solutions:
    • Challenges with a finite resource base;
    • Uneven impacts of climate change; e.g., northern areas will suffer less than areas closer to the equator;
    • Potential for unexpected trends;
    • Global disconnect between where food can be grown and where it will be consumed.
      • (Vertical Gardens?  More on that fascinating agri-science in a future edition.)
  • Wanna be more like Warren?
    • Of course, it’s always too late to chase the latest gold rush, but you can always live vicariously while maybe catching the next wave.
    • Warren has been bullish on Chevron, Activision Blizzard, HP, Citigroup, Ally Financial, Apple, and others…
    • Out of favour?  Wells Fargo
    • Where Warren and I agree?  Dairy Queen.  And I do like trains.
  • Speaking of the stock market — and who isn’t these days?
    • Because of the weighted average method of tracking the Dow and other indices, a few stocks can — and do — account for most of the movement.
    • For example, Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon alone account for 4.21% of the total ~18% decline of the S & P 500.  (WSJ)

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