What is leadership? How does a successful leader help motivate a team to drive the outcomes needed from a team?

What is Leadership?

July 4, 2022

Good morning!

Happy July the #4; i.e., United States declaration of independence from King George III Day.

And quite the scoundrel he was… or maybe not?  Turns out, there were more scoundrels than could be counted.

Some historians would suggest the British Parliament was more at fault than was George himself.

And, to our Canadian readers and friends:  Happy Canada Day!  (aka Dominion Day of old.)

Canadian independence from Great Britain was a gradual, friendlier, less-tempestuous process lasting hundreds of years — and you might say, it’s still happening.

  • N.A.S.A. (National Aeronautic and Space Administration) might need a new vision.  (And a good consultant!)
    • PBS is running a captivating program on The American Experienced called, Chasing the Moon.
    • At the center of an intense decade of engineering is one person’s vision communicated to a crowd at Rice University in 1962.
    • That vision became a shared vision and resulted in a rocket ship going to the moon — and back.
    • Without the vision — and the communication of it — (and the Russians) it’s highly unlikely we would have ever gotten off the ground.
      • Tune in!
  • Almost everyone seems to care about the price of gas (petroleum/ natural gas, Etc., et al.), but hardly anyone expresses concern about the price of Cheetos.
    • Misplaced priorities?
  • Inflation is starting to be a little bit like the weather — everyone talks about it, but no one does anything about it.
    • If you were smart enough to hedge your Bitcoin bets against the value of gasoline, you would be in the black the first six months of this year.
    • There is almost always a way to win.
    • And, by way of further example, if you would have bet on coffee, sugar, and gold in equal amounts — you would also be ahead of the game, courtesy of the coffee.
  • According to the googles, there are sixty-five different makes of new cars (automobiles) available for purchase in the United States as of right now.
    • And, on average, each of those makes has about three (3) different models each — not counting the nearly infinite number of optional features.
    • So, by the old math, that would be one hundred ninety-five (195) vehicles from which to choose.
    • From a Ford pickup truck (most popular) to (fill in the blank).
    • Just guessing it MIGHT be Lanborghini which sold 2,837 vehicles for the entire year in the Western Hemisphere (8 cars per day).
    • So, MAYBE that might be one or two or three per day in the U.S.?
    • According to the googles, there are ~47,000 new vehicles (not counting commercial vehicles?) sold each day.
    • That’s a difficult data point to digest, but when you do the math it seems to maybe make sense; whew!
    • That’s lottsa cars.
      • See how many different makes you can spot and identify as you drive up and down the road.

What is Leadership?

  • “Recent research at Babson® demonstrates that intentional and sustainable change is possible at the individual, group, and societal levels.
    • Leadership is not, in fact, about command and control.
    • Entrepreneurial leadership is about relationships.
    • The Parasympathetic Nervous System is activated by resonant relationships — those that help you feel
      • optimistic
      • engaged
      • challenged, and
      • uplifted.
    • They help you and those you lead feel inspired about the future and its possibilities.
    • In this state, people exceed expectations and even their own sense of what they can do.
    • Results of Resonant Relationships:
      • Intrinsic motivation
      • Higher functioning
      • Greater adaptability
      • Increased motivation and creativity
    • Relational leadership drives change in companies and organizations.
    • It assumes leaders view others as capable of change.
    • It supports entrepreneurial mindsets and the unique award-winning approach to Thought & Action® developed at Babson.”  (Babson 2022)
  • Summer reading:  If you still haven’t tackled Doerr’s 2014 Pulitzer Prize-winning, All the Light We Cannot See, give it a try.
    • Suggested to me courtesy of a very faithful reader; thank you!

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