Can there be purpose beyond profit, or is there no blending the two in the complicated world of business we live in.

Can There Be Purpose Beyond Profit?

September 5, 2022

Good morning!

It is also Labour Day in Canada — and so we stand united with our friends to the North.

These Musings are on summer hiatus.

What follows is an encore presentation of Musings from times gone by.

If you remember any of it, give yourself an A+

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September 2, 2019

Good morning!

Coming to you this morning from far, far Down East on the largely undisturbed coast of Maine.

The sunrise 🌅– first to see it in the U.S. – is spectacular… and last night was clam chowdah with good friends.

Happy Labour Day — especially if you actually perform physical labour to eek out your existence.  My only claim to fame is I worked pretty hard on the farm and in various factories, but not too much in the last 45 years.

Kudos to those who toil, get dirty, sweat, and have sore muscles as you very literally and importantly keep our world functioning.

Can There Be Purpose Beyond Profit?

  • “The value of creative and strategic thinkers capable of solving complex problems has never been higher.”  (McKinsey)
  • In its reaction to The Business Roundtable The Wall Street Journal calls upon Milton Friedman (remember him?) to debunk a proposed revised and enhanced purpose of big business.
    • The idea, if you haven’t been following along, is for businesses to embrace a responsibility to stakeholders; e.g., broader society, beyond shareholders; i.e., owners.
      • Can there be a purpose and/or a vision beyond profit for businesses — ultimately?
        • Milton would probably say societal benefits are a function of the pursuit of profit within a worthy enterprise and no other focus is necessary or appropriate.
  • Are you a sailor?
    • What is one of the better ways to avoid sea sickness — besides avoiding boats altogether?
      • Look to the horizon!  Try it, it works!  And, cut through the waves… don’t get caught going sideways!
        • And the metaphor?  You know it, don’t you?
  • What are you reading?
    • A friend gave me a copy of the Pulitzer-winning Personal History, Katharine Graham, 1997.
      • Katharine apparently wrote all the words all by herself, lots of them.
        • Fascinating accounts of a wealthy and powerful life — and of a woman who persevered through it all.
  • I have a friend, a retired CPA, who is an expert at ESOPs and is looking to serve on a couple boards.
    • If you know of a need, this person would be a great candidate — a selfless, erudite contributor.
  • I’m the last person to offer advice about health, but…
    • Even Saul got knocked off his horse, right?
      • Here is a Woodstock-esque observation — after the observer finished researching a few of those photos featuring various naked people…
        • And, these are accurate data:  Over the last fifty (50) years the human has become, on average, about fifteen (15) pounds heavier.
          • Perhaps that’s why Woodstock 50 never happened — a self-conscious, weightier society not wanting to be photographed in the nude.
            • Not sure if these data are U.S. isolated, North America, or worldwide?
  • If you could only enjoy your grapes one way, wine vs. fresh, which would you choose?
    • How about apple pie (a la mode) vs. an apple off the tree?
      • The world’s tastiest marinara vs. an August heirloom tomato off the vine?
      • Pickle vs. a fresh cucumber?
      • Peach cobbler vs. a fresh peach?
      • Raspberry jam vs. fresh raspberries?
      • Cornbread vs. corn-on-the-cob?  Okay… that’s enough… make your own liszt and then share it with me.
  • “Beyond physics every limit is a construct created by some other person.” (Unknown attribution)
  • When will you give yourself the greatest gift of all, the gift of time?
    • Schedule a no-obligation, no-cost initial exploratory visit with Without a Vision Consultancy today.

From my friend and faithful reader, Rosamond:  In our relationships we need to uphold that aspect of the person

which is the real person and the soul beyond their own self-doubt.

Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan

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