If resilience was the word in 2022, alignment MIGHT be the word for 2023... we shall see.

The Word is Alignment

January 16, 2023Good morning!It’s 7 AM; do you know where your cryptocurrency is?How was your Friday the #13?  That’s not really a thing any more, is it?Take heart, we have now endured the fifty (50) darkest days of the year — if you’re reading this from the Northern Hemisphere.

  • It just occurred to me; three out of four (75%) of the last several Monday mornings have been holy days.
    • No wonder our readers have been lulled into complacency.
    • We await the return to productivity.
  • Happy Feast of Martin King as our society continues its Sisyphean struggle to be better — and healthier — and happier.
  • There is a new video game called Royal Match (at least I think it’s new) with an apparent multi-million dollar marketing budget.
    • How in the world is this thing being monetized?  And, what is the demographic?  (Answers accepted.)
  • The surge preceding the purge… look no further than places like Amazon and Salesforce.
  • Does anyone know the answer?  What is the terminal capacity of those so-called QR codes?
  • Ever notice when you take the tree down and you finally get it wrestled out to the curb, there is always at least one ornament still left — no matter how thoroughly you’ve inspected that tree for stragglers?
  • We’ve long admired and learned lots from Babson College, perennially ranked as the #1 school for entrepreneurship.
    • Its latest magazine explores franchising, currently a $674,000,000,000 industry in the United States.
  • Nearly forty percent (40%) of adults in the United States over the age of 50 are single; i.e., not married.
    • There has been a straight-line descending curve since a high of nearly seventy percent (70%) married people over the age of 50 in the 1950s.
    • A majority of adult women, age 18-100+, (50.1%) are currently not married.  (Rowe, United States Census Bureau, 2021)
  • The fire-breathing inflation dragon has retreated for a bit back into its cave… we hope for longer than a month.
    • If your life revolves around eggs, this inflation has been tragically traumatic — perhaps life-changing.
    • But, if you’re in the market for a used car, your fortunes have been improving with each passing day.
    • If eggs are in your life, do you find yourself treating them with more awe and respect?
    • Apparently only about five percent (5%) of the current cost of eggs is attributable to the Avian influenza.
  • If resilience was the word in 2022, alignment MIGHT be the word for 2023… we shall see.
  • One year ago to the day, 109 container ships sat off the coast of California waiting for their turn to unload at the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach.
    • One year later there are almost none — waiting, that is.
    • The cost of shipping a 40-foot container from China to the west coast of the U.S. is now $1,400 — down 93% from its peak of $20,600 one year ago.
    • Old fashioned supply and demand at work?
  • The Federal Reserve Bank of New York estimates that forty percent (40%) of inflation between 2019 and 2021 was caused by supply (logistics) shocks.  (The Economist, 2023)
  • “At some point, leaders have to decide what they believe is right for their employees, clients, suppliers, and companies.
    • I heard people say at the outbreak of the (Ukraine/ Russia) war that a leader’s response would be remembered for decades.
    • Initially, I thought that was an overly emotional statement.
    • But then I realized that sentiment is right.
    • At a time of… trying to find purpose in what we do, I am convinced some companies made the correct, bold choice to signal their values.”   (Lamiaux, BCG 2023)
  • If you are a manager, or if you supervise a manager, guess the most important factors for the success of that manager — and thus, you?
    • Go figure:  Transparent clarity as to the objective(s) — and, the consistent communication of accurate information.
  • Among the top ten buzzwords of the last several months is resilience.
    • Exactly what is resilience?  Work on your personal definition and application(s).
    • Over the next several weeks these Musings will provide — and has historically provided — you with a few quotes from people other than YT which might help you to better understand resilience — and your development of it, or more of it.
    • This week’s:  “Fall seven times, rise eight.”  (Japanese proverb)

“I’m irrationally optimistic.”  (Brooks on 2023)

“Flexibility is here to stay.”  (Sinek on the future of work for 2023)
“I’m an expert at listening — but I sucked at listening when it came to my family and friends.”  (Sinek)
(From M.I.T. Sloan, 2022) –“…When inaccurate or wrong information is repeated, an illusion of truth occurs.  People believe repeated information to be true — even when it is not.”

“Pour on, I will endure.”  (Lear)

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