Does your organization suffer from F.O.F.O.? Fear of finding out plagues more organizations than you might imagine.

Does Your Organization Suffer from F.O.F.O.?

March 13, 2023

Good morning!  Or is it afternoon already? We’ve got at least a quinfecta on our hands… what a week ahead! With great gusto, the cardinals are claiming their territories from the tip-tops of the trees; go out and listen. To inflate or not to inflate?  Here at Without A Vision Consultancy we haven’t increased our rates in five (5) years. A can of soda from the vending machine at the hotel is now $3. Have you heard the new vocabulary word?  Altasia; watch for it.

  • The year was 1968.  I was teaching youngsters about ecology, a word about which almost no one knew anything.
    • Quite simply:  Everything affects everything.
    • We constructed huge webs made of twine and string through sections of swamp, prairie and woods.
    • Stationing kids at different locations along and within the web and instructing different lads to tug at their portion of the web, everyone within that web could feel the tug.
    • A colleague once explained organizational culture to me like this:  Everything we do affects everything we do.  So true.
      • A pretty good daily reminder, something for the bulletin board.
    • But, back to ecology.
    • Paul Ehrlich came out with his book, The Population Bomb.  Remember it?  Perhaps as poignant as Silent Spring without the staying power.
    • Many of his predictions and warnings have come true — though doing the math at the time wasn’t rocket science, as they say.
    • But now, here’s the point if you’ve made it this far:  In some parts of the Earth, the human population is declining… and alarmingly so in a few places.
      • It might have taken 55 years, but is the earth, at 8,000,000,000 finally pausing to take a breath?
      • The Economist has done a deep dive into one geopolitical area, Russia.
      • “The life expectancy for young men is now as low as for men in Haiti — and lower than in Bangladesh; the overall population is tumbling.
      • The COVIDs have taken a deadlier toll than in almost any other country.  Add the effects of war, including exiles… and the population looks terribly skewed.
      • Women now outnumber men in Russia by the millions…”  (Foreman, 2023)
  • And, flab… remember those DQs we talked about?  Slow down, pace yourself, get a small instead of a large.
    • Given the discombobulated opening day we still haven’t made it over there.
    • Here’s something for you physicists:  At what point will the burgeoning obesity crisis affect the total mass of the Earth and thereby impact its astronomical relationships?
  • There is an amazing Mom & Pop small town cafe just off the beaten path on the way to/ from Fargo, North Dakotah.
    • I always look forward to working with clients in that part of the world because, among the perquisites, there is usually a stop at this cafe for what might be the best hamburger within 100 miles.
    • Caramelized seared crust, the perfect toasted bun with the patty sticking out just a bit on the full perimeter, a mountain of fried onions, a dozen or more crispy pickle slices — 
    • — and the meat is hot to the touch of the tongue as it searches for the savory explosion of flavor; fresh ground beef (or buffalo), never frozen.
    • The delicacy is so tasty you don’t need any catsup or condiments of any kind… I even eschew the French Fries… don’t need ’em.
    • This place usually has a predictable recurring rural vibe with most people knowing each other; I’m the stranger.
    • Subtle head movements, all adorned with some sort of seasonal head gear, serve as the incessant chatter you might find elsewhere.
    • Two and three-word responses to questions or comments would label someone as a chatterbox or, worse yet, a gossip or a know-it-all.
    • Everyone knows everything about everyone.
    • A few days ago, something was wrong; it was instantly observable.
    • The place was almost empty — and it was around noon, time for lunch.
    • The vibe wasn’t there; the hamburger was just as delicious, but there was tension of some kind hanging in the room; the staff was unhappy.
    • The boss/ owner, who is almost never there, was fiddling with the menus and interacting awkwardly with the staff.
    • Body languages were different, something was rubbing the wrong way just under the surface.
    • If your business or organization interacts with humans in any capacity, please be alert to even the subtle changes in vibe.
    • Those humans are observing you closely — and even if you’re in a long-term relationship with those humans, all relationships are fragile and vulnerable.
      • I’ll probably still stop for the hamburger, as long as it stays amazing, but my antennae will be searching for whatever might be wrong.
  • I was preparing to turn left at a red light which turned green, but the vehicle in front of me didn’t move.  You know the feeling you get when that happens.
    • Be patient, don’t blow your horn, wait, probably a distracted celt phoner… then the light turns red again, dangit!
    • Wait, one block ahead of the scheduled left turn is a slow-moving train pulling about 200 empty oil cars back to the North Dakotah oil fields.
    • Slowwww moving, really slow moving, maybe 10 MPH.
    • It got me to thinking about train derailments and Warren Buffet;
    • I was far enough back in the queue that I don’t think I would have been squished by a derailed train, but I still plotted an escape route just in case.
    • How is it that our society can suddenly become fixated on something which has been ubiquitous for quite some time.
    • Do you believe these data?
    • According to the United States Department of Transportation, there have been 54,539 train derailments in the U.S. the last twenty (20) years.
      • (I don’t know if there are trains in Hawaii, Guam, or Puerto Rico… I’m assuming there are in Alaska, but I don’t know that one, either.)
    • It averages to about four (4) or five (5) per day.
    • These data don’t matter if the train derails in your front yard, but apparently trains running off the tracks is a common occurrence.
    • Trains have enjoyed the equivalent of Most Favored Nation status in the U.S. since forever; do you know why?
  • Does your organization suffer from F.O.F.O.?
    • Fear of finding out?
    • FOFO is a phenomenon where individuals or organizations are reluctant to investigate issues that may reveal failures or lapses on their part.
    • If I shut my eyes and plug my ears maybe it will go away…
    • You know the drill and probably don’t need the team at Without A Vision Consultancy to teach you about it, but… just in case, hang on to our number.
  • “All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”  (Buber)
  • We warned you the data could be wrong — and often is.
    • Here, from our faithful reader, Brian, is, according to him, a much more reliable source of data for Central Minnesota weather.
    • And, you’ll be devastated to learn, this is NOT the snowiest winter in the history of the world, not even close.
    • For the rest of you around the Earth, you will have to search further.  Weather

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