Boards of directors. Can't live with them. Can't live without them. How do you make the most of your board?

Boards. Can’t Live With Them. Can’t Live Without Them.

July 10, 2023

Good morning! King George was kinda right, wasn’t he, when he said, “You’ll be back…”? Statistics:  If you reach age 65 there is a 51% chance of reaching age 84. They test the 1950s-era civil defense system the first Wednesday of each month; radio, sirens, television, Etc.

Might be time for an upgrade to Ike’s technology… have you paid attention to the (non)functioning of this duct taped/ baler twined/ Rube Goldberg system?

  • Pete Pinske kept my daughter and me supplied with fresh honey for the last quarter century.
    • It was delicate, light-colored, delicious, and fragrant — made by Pete’s bees on the south shore of Lake Titlow, just to the east of a spectacular stand of more than 200 virgin white oaks — many of them more than 200 years old, and on the register of historic places.
    • Pete was the kind of guy who had hundreds of best friends — and each felt that way because Pete made sure they felt that way.
    • Pete died a few days ago at age 92 — and he left a grieving widow of 75 years if you count the years of their high school courtship when the romance began.
    • She sometimes reads these Musings, and so, Arlene, if you do today, we all miss Pete, you surely most of all.
    • But for just these few keystrokes, I’m hoping I might have been in second place — among his best friends.
  • Better plan to spend significantly more for that double mocha three-squirts espresso frozen latte smoothie.
    • Cacao (Cocoa) prices are soaring through the roof, fixin’ to almost double compared to 2018.  (FactSet)
    • They’ve been predicting this for a long time; too late now if you didn’t prepare.
  • Counterintuitive?  Eight of the nine justices of the United States Supreme Court voted with the majority at least 80% of the time during the Court’s recent term.
    • Clarence Thomas voted with the majority the least often, 76% of the time.
    • Justices Kavanaugh and Roberts voted with the majority 96% and 95% of the time respectively.  (, 2023)
  • Given that Tim Cook leads the nation’s first $3,000,000,000,000 company you would think he must be the highest paid CEO in the land, but…
    • …think again.  Tim makes barely one-third (at least last year — 2022) of Blackstone’s Stephen Schwarzman or Alphabet’s Sundar Pichai.
    • Again, not to worry, they’re all three doing just fine.  (C-Suite Comp, 2023)
  • For those still rooting for a recession:  “The labour market has continually surprised…” (Zhao, 2023)
    • The labour market has gained 1,600,000 jobs during the first part of 2023.
    • Most of those jobs have been in health care, social services, government, and construction.
  • Construction spending — especially on manufacturing facilities — is up 76% over the same period last year.
    • Much of this (Some of this?) is due to the post-plague government programs, and also the inflation situation, but up is up… maybe.
    • Good?  Bad?  Neutral?
    • At the moment we are at nearly $200,000,000,000 construction spending nationally per month.  (Lahart/ U.S. Dep’t. of Commerce)
  • Boards.  You can’t live with ’em, you can’t live without ’em.
    • Building and sustaining a high-functioning Board is as difficult — and as important — as sustainable, profitable operations are at the other end of the CEO spectrum of duties.
    • Here, hot off the press, is a condensed version of a McKinsey interview with Tangen of the Norwegian Sovereign Wealth Fund.  (Lund, 2023)
      • Resilience has to do with the “kind of grit you show and how you come through difficult periods and experiences.”
      • Being resilient should help organizations to withstand shocks and come through difficult periods in an even stronger position.
      • Resilient companies ideally benefit from difficult periods in terms of pulling away from competition.
      • Advantages gained during these difficult periods are often sustainable over time and allow companies to pull away from the rest.
      • … resilient organizations generally move fast, with a flexible cost structure and the ability to make decisions faster.
      • Boards play an important role in asking the right questions… stress testing, for example.
      • Boards can also ask for various scenario analyses, including a run-through of cost structures to better understand the implications of different events.
      • Beyond this, different types of what if scenario analyses are critical to assess the operational robustness in case of a cyberattack.
      • Boards should also be supportive of top management during difficult periods.
      • Instead of just emphasizing cost-cutting, Boards should pressure test and, from time to time, encourage countercyclical investments.
      • Individual Board members, and especially the Chair, can be a source of support for CEOs when they go through difficult times.
        • Being CEO is a lonely job… They do need someone they can talk to, someone they can trust.
        • You are there (as a Board) not only to ask the right questions, but also to look for signs of stress and burnout and provide early support to the CEO in need.
        • As a CEO you must focus on processes, not just on results… if the processes are in place, the rest will follow.
    • A Board composed of high-quality people from diverse backgrounds, including gender, is essential in today’s world.
  • “Leaders shouldn’t focus on motivating their teams, they should instead lean into inspiring them.”  (Eades)
    • For discussion:  What’s the difference?
  • “Without memory there is no culture.  Without memory there would be no civilization, no society, no future.”  (Wiesel)

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