The next five years are uncertain, but that's not stopping people from guessing. Do you know what's coming our way?

The Next Five Years

November 6, 2023

Good morning! If you’ve been thinking, “Where is he?!  It’s eight o’clock on a Monday morning, dangit!  Where are the Musings?!” Well, guess what?  It’s seven o’clock CST on a Monday morning. When we were not watching it suddenly became November! So, this is a fine mess you’ve gotten us into… what should now be done with our Bit Coins?!It was a grrrreat week to have been invested in stocks — hypothetically that is, after-the-fact, of course!  3,000%+ (annualized).Be sure to read and enjoy the fascinating story of Kik the Wooly Mammoth in the November 2023 edition of The Smithsonian.

  • So-called amateur investors have in recent years outperformed portfolios managed by professional advisers.
    • Consumers think that in the next three to five years, (Responsible?) Artificial Intelligence and social media will:
      • Take the place of the financial adviser (11%)
      • Supplement the financial adviser (52%)
      • Will not at all take the place of the financial adviser (25%) — [CFP- Trust but Verify, August 2023]
  • I heard her interviewed, Google her:  Fei-Fei Li and read her book, The Worlds I See:  Curiosity, Exploration, and Discovery at the Dawn of AI, 2023.
    • “As AI grows, we need to make sure we are not just exacerbating intolerance, exacerbating unfairness.”  (Li, 2023)
    • It’s a powerful, powerful tool — for evil and for good; how will we manage it?
  • Where do you get your music these days?
    • Spotify is leading the way while growing from 100 million users eight years ago to 600 million today.
    • And, perhaps more importantly, 230 million of those users are paying customers vs. <20 million in 2015.  (Spotify, 2023)
    • Can you say 900%+ growth?!
  • Are you an obsessive recharger?
    • Don’t be.  At least be smarter about it.
    • That battery in your phone features an unavoidable obsolescence (it’s physics)… and will become increasingly less useful the more often you charge it. (Stern, 2023)
  • Prestige or money?
    • Money is winning.
    • Years ago power and prestige might have been more important in the work world; e.g., look at me, my title, my office, my firm, my MBA or Ph.D., my wardrobe, my expense account.
    • Surveys by Gallup and the Pew Research Center show compensation, always a key piece of career decisions, has become an increasingly greater priority.
    • Many workers don’t define themselves by perceived prestige or bragging rights… they don’t mind working for no-name companies — or with a mediocre title — if the pay is good.  (Borchers, 2023)
  • Anyone — well, almost anyone — can bowl a strike now and again, just by pure chance if nothing else.
    • But the strike itself is relatively meaningless if you can’t follow it up with consistent spares and more strikes.
    • A bowling game filled with 7’s, 8’s, and 9’s (pretty good, you would think!) won’t even get you to a score of 100 — one-third of where you’re trying to be.
      • (Hint:  Disciplined consistency/ execution + Sustainability)
  • Bring the right tools with you on your leadership journey, don’t proceed foolishly unprepared.
    • When we attend a seminar, read a self-help or business book, or when we listen to a speaker or a Podcast, we rarely think about the time it took to prepare.
    • That speech was rehearsed, probably dozens — if not hundreds — of times.
    • That book went through countless drafts in an effort to get every single word to be the right word in the right context.
    • That seminar or conference was tested and vetted — and probably used a focus group to help discern and to maximize its relevance and effectiveness.
    • Ever been to a T.E.D. or a T.E.D.x talk?  Guess the amount of time those speakers invest practicing.
    • Ask for help (the #1 reason leaders stumble or fall is not asking or asking too late), be coachable, and stop thinking you must have all the answers.
    • Here the point:  Bring realistic expectations along with you on your leadership journey while realizing the time and practice it takes to get better.  (Informed by Eades)
  • “Value is especially important to consumers today; in India, 82% of consumers say they switch to a different retailer or brand when they’re looking for better value.” (Segel, et al., 2023)
    • You’re likely to be a zero consumer even if you might not call yourself one.
    • Zero consumers are omnichannel shoppers; i.e., those looking for value and bargains from anywhere — even the Dollar Store.
    • They scrimp and splurge at the same time, they’re not loyal to brands, and they care about health and sustainability…
    • Zero consumers are (so-named because of zero loyalty) everywhere… companies that don’t pay close attention to them could soon become irrelevant.  (Kuijpers, 2023)
  • The following was submitted by a good friend and faithful reader from the nearby shores of Big Fish Lake (Thanks!):

Choctaw elder and retired Episcopal bishop Steven Charleston offers a meditation honoring different ways of knowing that have fed his soul:  

For all the great thoughts I have read

For all the deep books I have studied

None has brought me nearer to Spirit

Than a walk beneath shimmering leaves

Golden red with the fire of autumn

When the air is crisp

And the sun a pale eye, watching.

I am a scholar of the senses

A theologian of the tangible.

Spirit touches me and I touch Spirit

Each time I lift a leaf from my path

A thin flake of fire golden red

Still warm from the breath that made it. (Charleston, 2023)

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