May 13, 2024
Good morning!
By later today I hope to have sequestered myself in the middle of a lilac bush.
Happy Holy Feast of Saintly Mothers; not sure why they didn’t give you at least 51% of the days?
You’ve got my vote. I suppose it was hard enough getting just one day.
“Artificial Intelligence is a genie that scares the hell out of me.” (W. Buffett)
- This is sadness at its epicenter, but you can buy the Hightower/ DeNiro home at 80th and Central Park West for less than the now-estranged couple paid in 2006.
- It’s priced to sell quickly, a rare find not far from John’s and Yoko’s place.
- Cheaper to own than to rent.
- According to the Brits at The Economist, more and more people are dying alone and are in advanced stages of decomposition before being found.
- Three times as many as not so long ago.
- (Sorry! This is a breakfast-time publication, but this news can’t wait; have another Pop Tart.)
- The theory is consistent with Putnam’s treatise, Bowling Alone… and since we are increasingly alone alive, we are unavoidably alone when we die.
- C’mon people: Check-in… Connect… Chat
- There seems to be a plethora of French-themed movies, documentaries, art pieces, novels, foods, wines, fashions, and more.
- Coincidental, or could it be because of the Olympics?
- Did Napoleon spawn the Olympics, or the other way around… whichever, the movie fell way short of what it might have been.
- The iconic animatronic Chuck E. Cheese characters are being disassembled and laid to rest.
- Say it ain’t so. These four creepy caricatures entertained millions of kids right alongside the whack-a-mole machines.
- Do you remember the hype when Walt Disney brought Abraham Lincoln to life in Southern California; said to have been 100% real.
- Years ago, Wayne Gretzky famously quipped, “I skate to where the puck is going, not to where it has been.”
- We don’t know if Wayne and Warren are friends or acquaintances, but the quip suits both perfectly.
- That famous (or infamous) hypothetical dollar invested with Warren 80 years ago is now worth $40,000 IF you actually invested it and IF you stuck with your plan.
- And here’s the BIG IF no one talks about: … and IF you’ve lived into your 90s or 100s and IF you’ve kept your wits about you.
- You would have needed at least 30 years of patience before things really started to move, and…
- … it’s only in the last ten years that your fortune would have quadrupled, from $10,000 to $40,000.
- You couldn’t have been faulted for bailing when your money doubled — to $2 — or tripled to $3.
- Still, if you can replicate either Wayne or Warren you, too, might become famous.
- Lagging behind: Fewer than one percent of homes listed for sale in the United States feature electric vehicle charging stations. (
- Are you kidding?!
- Some simple research related to the persistence, perseverance, and dedication to New Year’s Eve Resolutions would have provided this same answer.
- No sane person is going to purchase a Peloton, endure the torture, persist with enduring the torture, and then maybe buy a second one — for the lake or the office.
- C’mon, people. We are a nation famous for fast food, bad food, couches, and obesity. We are #1 in the world for obesity.
- So now, Peloton has lost more than 98% of its value since peaking in 2021 during the height of the plague ($167 down to $3 stock price).
- And, the erstwhile miracle-working CEO has cried uncle… or, whatever it is you cry nowadays.
- A friend wrote a book which was released and published a few days ago, The Boy Who Promised Me Horses, Charpentier, 2024.
- He will be grateful if you read it… even more grateful if you buy it… ecstatic if you give it to everyone on your Christmas list.
- “A beautiful tale of friendship, memory, and loss… a look at reservation life that is achingly honest…”. (Kemmick)
Praise for the Book
- We have shared similar data with you before, but we find these very fascinating — and bellwethers for something.
- It will take thirteen years to deliver the aircraft currently on back order if there are no additional orders. (Loxton, Etc., et al.)
- When you look at the charts and graphs the data are striking:
- If you follow your opportunities, your dreams might come true.
- We have thought about and written about this topic before, but now Hammer has written a book and perhaps the perspective will gain more traction.
- It’s not so much about dreams (they happen at night when you’re asleep), but about taking advantage of directionally correct opportunities.
- 14 Lies… (Hammer, B., 2024)
- We modified this from something we saw at The Blandin Foundation: Change happens TO you, transformation happens BECAUSE of you.