leadership coaching

Are You Hustling?

June 10, 2024
Good morning!
It was eighty years since D-Day, hardly a person remains alive… and the world has largely forgotten, to what peril?
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  • Original Primary Research Report:  If you purchase your bananas on the green side you’ll be paying for approximately 34% peel (waste) and 66% fruit.
    • On a sliding scale, by weight, you will get more fruit and less peel (waste) the yellower and browner the bananas are when purchased.
    • A banana ready for banana bread or banana fritters or banana smoothie will yield ~80% fruit and just ~20% waste —
    • …and, ironically, in some stores featuring a brown banana discount shelf, you’ll pay much less per pound when compared to picture-perfect bananas.
      • That will result in an entirely different and more cost efficient algorithm.
    • So, what can we learn from this?
    • Picture-perfect bananas will cost you more than double when compared to picture-imperfect bananas.
    • Knowing this information, is it likely to change behaviour?  No.
    • If the bank were offering 14% what would you do?
  • Freelancing?  Side Gig?  Moonlighting?
    • More than 4% of the U.S. economy is accounted for by individuals who are hustling some sort of product or service in a nontraditional way.  (Fiverr)
    • For the most part this means no formal organizational structure, no payroll, and lots of hustle to make ends meet.
    • The biggest chances for success are for those enterprises related to technology.  (U.S. Census Bureau)
    • Seventy-five percent of people involved with freelancing report happiness — and optimism — vs. forty-seven percent of those employed in more traditional jobs.
      • Entrepreneurship is NOT dead… and you witness it most in immigrant populations.
  • “It is noble to teach yourself, but still nobler to teach others — and less trouble.”  (Clemens)
  • What makes a life fulfilling and meaningful?  (Informed by, The Good Life, Waldinger, Schulz, 2023)
    • The simple but perhaps surprising answer is:  Relationships.
    • The stronger our relationships, the more likely we are to live happy, satisfying, and healthier lives.
    • The strength of our connections with others can predict the health of both our bodies and our minds as we go through life.
  • Are you built to face your greatest fears head-on?  (Informed by an interview with Nate Boaz of Microsoft)
    • “Those who have a why to live can bear almost any how.”  (Frankl)
    • It isn’t enough to be a humble leader — or a courageous leader.  You have to be both.
    • You need the courage to be full-hearted.
    • Courage is being full of heart to step outside your comfort zone, take risks, and do the hard things.
    • We don’t talk about mental health enough; it needs to be destigmatized, especially among men…
    • The perception is that leaders aren’t vulnerable, don’t ask for help, or discuss their needs.
    • It takes a lot of courage to admit you need help and even more courage to get help.  (Running Toward Fire, Boaz)
  • More on this later, perhaps, but for now:  Why are there so many bad bosses?
    • Raise your hand if you have a bad boss — or had one at some point — or, (gulp!) maybe you are or were one?!
    • Narcissism, overconfidence, low emotional intelligence, no empathy… why do we as a society persist in focusing on these qualities when choosing leaders?
    • Hot air rises — and so, unfortunately, do many of the aspiring leaders who spout it.
    • Why do we continue to mistake confidence for competence, and what should we be doing differently?  (Hancock, Weddle, Etc., et al., 2024)
      • Like we said, maybe more on this subject in a future summer edition of Musings…

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