leadership coaching

Duties and Characteristics of a Leader

August 12, 2024

Good morning!

Coming to you this morning from Rhinelander, Wisconsin… boyhood home of Pat Plamann — and home to one of the world’s great fresh produce markets.

Home, too, apparently to Sasquatch?

A trend?  Let’s hope:  Mortgage rates dropped to 6.55% on average a few days ago.  Still too high, but…

After 329 events and sixteen days (and nights), it was a tie, the Olympics ended in a tie.

China tied the United States for the most gold medals (40), the two nations together capturing almost 25% of all championships available.

Wait, do they give any credit for bench strength?

  • Isn’t it always about productivity?
    • Explain to me, please, where, when, and why productivity isn’t always at the top of the list?
  • Gouda no more?!
    • It’s not made in WHYsconsin, but rather in Holland… and the Dutch village at the epicenter of the centuries-old craft is sinking farther into the ocean, or rather….
    • … the ocean is rising faster than the Gouda can move to higher ground.
    • So?  Maybe stock up?
  • I was visiting with the Chief Mechanic at Delta Airlines.
    • This guy is responsible for the maintenance and performance of more than 990 aircraft, the world’s largest commercial fleet.
    • We were talking about culture and why it matters more than anything else — and why you can’t fake it.
    • Culture is lived and breathed and shared.
    • The CEO or owner knowingly or unknowingly — purposefully or naturally –establishes and sustains the culture by her/ his behaviours, both the visible and the unseen.
    • Culture is about people always doing the right thing at the right time for the right reason in the right way — and genuinely sharing an ethos.
    • If you’ve got it, hang on to it.
    • Once lost it’s almost impossible to get back.
  • With Spain leading the way, many European countries are seeing the price of electricity fall below the costs of gas… making it increasingly feasible to electrify industrial heat processes.
    • Electricity is cheaper than fossil fuels for a growing share of hours in France, Germany, Spain, and Holland where CO2 emissions are taxed.
    • There is promise that electrifying industrial heat could significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions… while also being cheaper… (van Niel, 2024)
  • Using data from conversations with >400 people from Fortune 500 companies, this guy has distilled the duties and characteristics of a leader:
    • “Now, the duties of a leader are becoming multi-faceted, encompassing the professional and interpersonal skills required to connect…
    • … the entire business while having the biggest impact on performance.”  (Cashman)
    • An agile approach to learning… big-picture thinking… acknowledge what they don’t know… a strong appetite for understanding key trends…
    • Will need to work hyper-collaboratively, stretching themselves to connect with all corners of their organization and beyond.
    • Empathy will be more important than ever for future leaders, with 92% of respondents attributing this trait to higher performing teams.
    • (Note from Without A Vision:  We remember this empathy imperative in the literature from more than 50 years ago, so we wonder how ‘new’ it is?)
    • A mission and purpose-driven leader is essential.
    • “The leaders we surveyed all agreed adaptability is imperative to effectively leading their companies.”  (Ibid.)
    • Leaders need to be willing to learn into the new and unknown by taking more calculated risks… failure can become a valuable asset…
    • … fail fast, learn faster, create the future.
    • Discern the future more than ever.

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