Prepare before you start a project, and remember that an hour spent to sharpen the axe can save time chopping down the proverbial tree.

Don’t Forget to Sharpen the Axe

August 2, 2021

Good morning! Happy Birthday to my wife of 41 years and who is a bit older than that today! Happy Birthday!  (On occasion she reads these Musings… we’ll see if she does today.). And, congratulations to her brother and to his new bride as they were joined in marriage this past weekend up in Duluth (Minnesota/ U.S.). There are always many good reasons to travel to Duluth and this event provided one of the better ones; a good time had by all.

  • For more than 30 years she and I have watched the seasons appear against a backdrop of spectacular Sugar Maple trees visible just outside our window in a city park.
    • Now, suddenly, the City has chopped down more than a dozen of these gorgeous trees, ostensibly to improve the park.
    • It takes decades to grow a majestic Red Maple (not to mention the sacrificed syrup!), mere seconds to chop one down and tear up its roots.
    • Amputated trunks, some nearly three feet in diameter, now litter the arid, dusty, and less shady areas of destruction.
    • Goodbye Autumn colors, goodbye shade.
    • I know it might be better 50 years from now, but death and change are hard.
  • In other news, our son-in-law surprised us by providing and planting a brand new Linden (Basswood) tree to replace our recently fallen Birch.
    • Change — transformation — new life — different perspective.

Sales of Electrics Vehicles Have Slowed

  • Chicken or the egg?
    • The sale of electric vehicles; e.g., Teslas, has slowed considerably since skyrocketing and doubling from the year before in 2017.
    • Sales have plateaued in part because of the lack of AC quick charging stations where a car can be refueled in about thirty minutes.
    • Invest in more charging stations — or wait for sales to increase?  Chicken or the egg?
    • Here’s a trivia question for you:  Who invented AC electricity and how/ why/ when did it win out over Edison’s DC electricity?
    • (Here’s another case of history being the greatest lie.)  — Hughes

Don’t Forget to Sharpen the Axe

  • Three or more decades ago Covey’s The Seven Habits… was at the center of many conversations — and the topic of thousands of workshops.
    • I’m working with a client — a sole proprietor — who especially wants and needs Habit #7…
    • … and I’m not sure how best to help him, but I’m going to do my best.
    • “Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.”  (A. Lincoln)
    • If you haven’t re-read Covey in awhile, it might be the perfect book to grab off your shelf.
    • His wisdom has not grown stale.
    • This is how the 7th chapter begins:
    • “Suppose you were to come upon someone in the woods working feverishly to saw down a tree.
    • ‘What are you doing?’ you ask.
    • ‘Can’t you see?’ comes the impatient reply.  ‘I’m sawing down this tree.’
    • ‘You look exhausted!’ you exclaim.  ‘How long have you been at it?’
    • ‘Over five hours,’ he returns, ‘and I’m beat!  This is hard work.’
    • ‘Well, why don’t you take a break for a few minutes and sharpen that saw?’ you inquire.  ‘I’m sure it would go a lot faster.’
    • ‘I don’t have time to sharpen the saw,’ the man says emphatically.  ‘I’m too busy sawing!'”  (Covey, 1989)
    • See yourself anywhere in there?

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