Here are 6 actions leaders can take right now to set their teams up for better success and drive innovation.

6 Actions Leaders Can Take Right Now

July 18, 2022

Good morning!

How about that Jim Webb?!

When will we see those images on a larger, high resolution screen?  Soon?

Did you watch the (British) Open?

Among the better ones of all time, wouldn’t you say?

  • (Q):  What is that famous saying about people who know how to putt?
    • (A):  They know how to putt.
  • Books are among my greatest joys.
    • I’ve hoarded them over the decades as if they were rare coins or vintage wines.
    • They’ve collected dust for decades on more than 200 linear feet of shelving throughout our house, most of it functional if unattractive.
    • Alas, about 500 books have been reassigned recently to those little neighborhood libraries – one book at a time.
    • It takes great discipline to not bring home more books than I donate.
    • For pure recreation, John Grisham has been a favourite author; last week I courageously and selflessly reassigned twenty of his books to the little libraries.
  • If you were buying gas for your car back in the late 1960s for twenty-five cents a gallon,
    • and if you were buying a postage stamp for five cents,
    • and if gas (petroleum) today is, say, ~$4.50 —
    • and if that same stamp is sixty cents,
    • which purchase today causes you more angst?
    • Do the math to see if  your emotions match the logic.
  • This is a whimsical, informative, and poignant video. 
    • It takes the entire debate about greenhouse gases and makes it understandable for all but the very pigheaded:  CO2 — from dinosaurs to dystopia.

6 Actions Leaders Can Take Right Now

  • Six (6) actions leaders can take right now to spark an Innovation Culture (Vora, in Culture Strategy Technology)
    • “Pacesetters grew revenue 6.5% faster than laggers… during the plague…”
    • Sixty-three percent (63%) of leaders think innovation is important; only twenty percent (20%) report their organization has what it takes.
  1. Start at the top:  Leaders must be role models for the desired mindsets (sound familiar?  sound like vision?)
  2. Address the frozen middle:  Bring other leaders on board and inspire them to lead the change.
  3. Make it simple and practical:  Provide clear examples of small ways to activate behaviours in the day-to-day.
  4. Leverage experimentation:  Empower leaders to try out new things and witness the impact firsthand, which will build belief over time.
  5. Create envy:  Share stories of success widely across the organization, giving all employees practical tips on activating new mindsets.
  6. Reinforce the mindsets:  Embed mindset into employee training and leadership assessments.

The Crow

By Michael A. Mullin

The crow caws at the crack of dawn,

loudly, rudely, without empathy for the morning’s mood.

The loon chortles and trumpets with a prehistoric voice

while enhancing the serenity of sunrise.

Two stentorian salutes,

one raucous and menacing,

the other haunting yet tranquil.

  • We do what we can.

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