leadership coaching

How to Relieve Stress As a Leader

August 5, 2024

Good morning! Corn that is, golden ears of corn, each kernel sweet, juicy, and uniquely flavourful, no butter needed. It’s corn season here in Central Minnesota — every bit as delicious, intoxicating, and succulent as the grapes in Sonoma or Tuscany, but…

… we haven’t learned how to market the corn as irresistibly sensuous and romantic.

Like the grapes, the season only lasts for a few days — and then you’re left with memories. Generative Artificial Intelligence is swirling around our heads like a swarm of locusts.  Whatever shall we do?!Another one of the giants has fallen, a good friend and amazing mentor, Norb Berg. Ninety-two years.  Safe travels and rest in peace, Norb.

  • Are you annoyed with your Human Resources Department?
    • Guess what?  It’s more annoyed with you than you are with it.  (Segal)
    • Seems like flexibility and other work-related policies and practices don’t mean the same eggxact thing to all people.
  • I’ve been having a Pavlovian response to an ice cream bucket.
    • Did you experience the five-quart ice cream bucket as a child?  It’s probably three quarts now, we always referred to it as a gallon.
    • Did you use it for storage after the ice cream was eaten?  I’ll bet so.
    • And, among the things stored were fresh, homemade cookies, right?
    • Well, the ice cream bucket currently on our counter contains laundry.  It has been there for several days,
    • But, each time I see it I think, cookies!
  • Have you ever left your home all alone, or in the care of others?
    • You probably have — and you probably provided an array of instructions you didn’t know you needed, right?
    • Homes, like most humans, have quirks, many quirks.
    • The door that doesn’t close unless you put just the right English on it, the faucet that drips, the toilet handle that needs to be jiggled, the burner on the stove that needs TLC, the back porch door that doesn’t close, the 50-years-old freezer that still works and is filled to the brim with foods, but… and don’t forget the garden!
      • There is a good metaphor in there somewhere, a really good one if you are a manager or a supervisor of humans.
  • So, is 82-years-of-age the new 65?
    • Our society has definitely been searching for a new number, perhaps this will be the one?
    • Social Security and Medicare would be instantly solvent for another century.
  • We happily have a number of leaders from the non-profit sector among our readers.
    • In these weekly pages we typically provide information centered on best practices in the for-profit world, while hoping our non-profit friends will connect the relevant dots.
    • Here’s a helpful hint for the day with no need to extrapolate:  Get out of the office and SEE people, visit with people, connect with people, engage with people, meet someone new.
    • Your productivity will not improve by spending more time at your desk.
    • Trust me, your pens do not need to be arranged one more time.
  • “Stress is the eater of energy.  Nothing relieves stress more than preparation.”
    • “I use the most energy prepping for my Board meetings,” one CEO said, “I want to be ready for whatever questions they have.”
    • All organizations have some people who simply suck the energy out of a room.
    • They are the constant naysayers.
    • They sap the energy of everyone who crosses their path.
    • If you have people in your orbit who are energy vampires, you need to move them on.
    • But… energy vampires are different from skeptics, who are onboard with the mission but have legitimate questions and constructively challenge conventional wisdom or status quo.
    • Skeptics can be powerful forces of energy…
    • Skills for managing energy are not easy to acquire.
    • But, they are increasingly as critical to the success of CEOs as are the abilities to raise capital, close deals, or launch a new strategy.  (Torres, Etc., et al.)
  • Maybe you’ve watched it?
    • Ten of the better Olympic moments of all time by YouTube:  Top Ten

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