Creating An Intellectually Safe Environment
Creating An Intellectually Safe Environment
Here Comes ChatGPT
And we thought we'd never survive Wikipedia, but here comes ChatGPT to wreak chaos.
If resilience was the word in 2022, alignment MIGHT be the word for 2023... we shall see.
If resilience was the word in 2022, alignment MIGHT be the word for 2023... we shall see.
"Employees seek a sense of purpose, recognition, coaching, personal development, empathetic listening, and deep caring..."
Even more worrying is that when inaccurate or wrong information is repeated, an illusion of truth occurs.
Even more worrying is that when inaccurate or wrong information is repeated, an illusion of truth occurs.
What can you do to boost your confidence -- and thereby, your success?
What can you do to boost your confidence -- and thereby, your success?
Exactly what is resilience? Work on your personal definition and application(s).
Exactly what is resilience? Work on your personal definition and application(s).
You're smart enough to make your own metaphor, right?  If not, click me back and I'll help.
Exactly What is a Bowl?
Managers exist to maintain the status quo (think McDonalds) whereas leaders exist to imagine that which doesn't yet exist and

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