Creating a Clear Mission Statement for Your Organization


The Customer

This organization had been around for sixty years without a formal, written mission statement or vision.  Quite simply, it just wasn’t something anyone had thought necessary or taken the time to do.

The Problem

While it’s not absolutely necessary to have a written mission statement and vision, it answers key questions that help guide actions and measure success over time.

Why do we exist?  Who are we?  Where are we going?  What direction will we take to get there?  When will we arrive?

When a new President came to office one of his goals was to establish a Mission Statement and a Vision.

Service We Provided

Without a Vision was enlisted to guide visioning and messaging.  After weeks of work and several drafts the statements were adopted unanimously and started to appear on various documents.  Answers to the questions of why, who, where, when, and what were there for all to see – and to make his or her own.

Proven Results

Years later, those formal statements still exist; they were written in such a way as to stand the test of time – and to be just as relevant today as when they were first written.  The statements provide a way for everyone to immediately and effectively communicate the why, who, where, when, and what – without needing to search for new vocabulary.

Goals change from time to time, but they are always established so as to better achieve the mission and to pursue the vision.

As the tired cliché goes, having a formal, written mission statement and vision makes it possible for everyone to sing the same song – and more importantly, the same song from the same song book.  Without a Vision Consultancy  worked with the organization’s leaders to understand the importance of a shared vision within the context of an organization’s mission.  We then worked to establish goals so as to increase the possibility of progress toward the vision.

Mike Mullin

Your Turn

Without a Vision Consultancy brings more than 50 years of in-the-trenches experience in thirteen different leadership roles to the challenges and opportunities faced by you and your organization.  Start seeing results like this client did by requesting a no-commitment consultation.