Leadership| Coach What Problems Do We Help Solve?

Inevitably, most businesses or organizations enlisting the support of a leadership coach consultancy will see overlap in the below areas. Our lives, businesses, and teams are infinitely complex, and approaching one area without acknowledging the impact to another only causes issues later.

When working with Without a Vision Consultancy (or any consultancy), it can help to start with an initial problem, challenge, aspiration, or goal. Below are examples of areas we’re experienced at solving, but don’t let this list set the boundaries. If you believe we might be a fit, let’s talk. The initial consultation is always free.

Vision Creation

Whether it seems immediately apparent or not, crafting a vision is at the core of all the problems we solve. Read more about why this is so important on our, What We Do page.

Financial Management

Is your organization struggling with which services or products are driving the most success for the business? Perhaps you understand the consequences of budgetary changes in the short term, but you’re struggling to see how actions today shape five years from now.

Maybe your organization isn’t in that situation. Maybe your on a growth trajectory and doing well. That’s great news! Do you know where you’re going? If not, the success may be short lived. The absolute best time to plan the future is when the business is running well and their aren’t strains forcing your hand. Unfortunately, in most cases, that’s not when we do most of our recalibration. The good news: Without a Vision has lived the booms and busts and is ready either way.

See how easy it is to get started.


As an organization moves through its cycles, so to do members. Be they loyal customers spending with you, donors providing essential revenue, or patrons who don’t spend but are consumers of your service: every member’s passion for your business or organization matters.

Unfortunately, organizations often find themselves in situations where this passion dwindles for one reason or another. Perhaps the services no longer align with the needs. Perhaps the competition is priced more competitively. Without a Vision has experience solving these dilemmas for countless businesses and organizations.

What about when times are good, though? It’s not always gloom and doom. When times are good, that doesn’t inherently equate to growing membership — particularly if future plans require it. Here too, Without a Vision is ready to support you.

Much like understanding and satisfying our own clients, finding solutions to solve your members and clients exercises the same skill: active listening. Without a Vision specializing in active listening. It sounds simple, but think about the last time you truly felt heard. Most people hear you but don’t truly listen. That’s our specialty, and that’s how we’ve created so many satisfied clients over the years.

Address your goals for membership today. A free, zero obligation consultation is just a couple clicks away.

Strategic Planning

Where will you be in ‘x’ number of years? The terrifying question many leaders must attempt to answer and solve for on behalf of their businesses and organizations.

Strategic planning is a time consuming process, but it need not be so daunting. Strategic planning is all about setting a vision: where do you want to be? What do you want to have done? It’s different from a mission. A mission is why you exist. A vision defines where you seek to go and accomplish. The strategic plan is really about how you fulfill that vision. If you want to increase your customer base by 10%, that might require changing how employees work. That in turn might require added staff training and development, which in turn impacts operational costs.

Without a Vision’s role is to simplify the act of creating a strategic plan by being an effective leadership coach. We don’t just listen to the executive. We listen to their team and where necessary, additional staff or customers. This allows us to see all the obstacles a plan will need to overcome. It can sound intimidating, but understanding the risks and challenges up front allows a plan to success because you can plan for these hurdles.

That’s what you get with us. Start your strategic planning with a free consultation.

Each member of a team provides critical contributions to a business or organization. From the person at the front desk to the executives, every contribution is important to your success. However, when filling leadership roles on the executive team and Board of Directors, it’s critical that these roles are staffed with individuals fit for the role. Every other role will be shaped by those in these positions — intentional or not. Having people in the wrong seats can spark toxic cultures which cause avoidable roadblocks to success.

Without a Vision Consultancy is connected with individuals leading organizations and businesses all across the country. We’ve also spent countless hours filling important roles just like these. This also means we’ve seen what works and what doesn’t, so you can benefit from our experiences.

Filling your next role is easy with Without a Vision. Request your free, zero obligation consultation to get started.

Board Development

Similar to the executives in an organization, the Board of Directors play a critical role in a business or organization’s success. Of particular challenge: each board member comes with their own agenda — usually well intentioned. However, when there’s an entire group, each with their own agenda, that causes challenges unifying a board. In some cases, their agendas may even conflict with the business or organization’s strategic plan, which can jeopardize the likelihood for success.

Without a Vision doesn’t just help with recruiting board members. We recruit the right members. That doesn’t mean that same ideologies, either. It means working with a Board of Directors to discuss each person’s interest in the business or organization’s success. Why does it matter to them? Once that’s understood, it becomes easier to identify common interests a board can rally behind and champion. This results in less head-to-head with the board and more collaboration.

Start improving the effectiveness of your board with training. All it takes is a no obligation, free consultation to get started.

Leadership Coach

A leadership coach provides individuals with guidance to fulfill personal and professional goals. Leading requires confidence in decision making, and indeed, coming to terms with sometimes making the wrong decision.

Through one-on-one coaching, leaders are able to identify their own weaknesses and turn these into opportunities for success. People use leadership coaching in many ways. Some use it to improve their performance within their current business or organization. (In fact, many businesses foot the bill for this it’s so important!) Others use it as a means to the next rung in the ladder. By understanding strengths, weaknesses, aspirations, and goals, leaders can take steps to move to their desired place — whether that’s within their current business or a new one.

Without a Vision is focused on enabling more leaders to feel capable of their abilities. Are you ready for that step? Contact us for a zero obligation consultation today.

Not on the List?

If your problem wasn’t on the list, that doesn’t mean we can’t still help. Our services are centered around the notion that having a vision is key to success, and a leadership coach can help.

If you have another goal or problem you’d like help with, you can find out if we’re the right fit with a no obligation consultation today. Simply click the button below to get started.